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Listing devices

Retrieve a list of all devices in your organization. This route is rate limited to 10 requests per 5 minutes per API key. It uses pagination with 100 results per page.

method + URL
query string (in TS)
offset?: string;
query string details
Is used for pagination, see
successful responses
List of devices
body for status 200 (in TS)
devices: {
hashId: string;
name: string;
cloudApi: "READ" | "READ_WRITE";
reportingInterval: number;
dataForwarding: boolean;
inProduction: boolean;
assets: {
type: string;
category: "solar" | "wind" | "meter" | "battery" | "heat" | "irradianceSensor" | "windSensor" | "temperatureSensor" | "ev" | "misc";
identifier: string;
nominalActivePower: number | null;
controllers: {
type: string;
identifier: string;
schedule: (ApplyAfrrDeltaSetpoint | LimitPower)[] | null;
details for body status 200 (in TS)
"READ" means that the device is visible in the Teleport Cloud API, but requests to schedule asset commands or setting asset parameters for them will be rejected. "READ_WRITE" means that scheduling asset commands and setting asset parameters is allowed.
In seconds. Applies to the default report type of each asset, like "solarPower", "windPower" and "batteryPower". Does not apply to auxiliary reports like "batteryPower.flash".
Whether data forwarding is enabled for this device. See for more information.
When the device is in production data is forwarded (if enabled) and the device can be steered (if enabled)
Total nominal active power of the asset in W, as configured by us. When possible, this value is verified with data from the asset. Can be null if not available.
The latest schedule sent in through our cloud API confirmed by this device. Instructions coming from control loops or the local API are not included.
The latest schedule sent in through our cloud API confirmed by this device. Instructions coming from control loops or the local API are not included.
error responses (next to generic errors)
400 { key: "invalid_offset" }
The provided offset query parameter is invalid

Schedule per device

Until April 2024 we returned schedules per device instead of per asset.

method + URL
query string (in TS)
offset?: string;
query string details
Is used for pagination, see
successful responses
List of devices
body for status 200 (in TS)
devices: {
hashId: string;
name: string;
cloudApi: "READ" | "READ_WRITE";
reportingInterval: number;
dataForwarding: boolean;
schedule: ({
type: 'limitProductionPower';
percentage: number;
startAt: Date;
endAt: Date;
assetIdentifiers?: string[];
} | {
type: 'applyAfrrDeltaSetpoint';
deltaSetpoint: number;
startAt: Date;
endAt: Date;
controlIdentifiers?: string[];
} | {
type: 'limitPower';
feedIn: number | null;
consume: number | null;
startAt: Date;
endAt: Date;
controlIdentifiers?: string[];
} | {
type: 'setBatteryOperation';
operation: {
dispatchPower: {
activePower: number;
} | null;
deliverFCR: {
maxRate: number;
} | null;
chargeToState: {
percentage: number;
} | null;
startAt: Date;
endAt: Date;
assetIdentifiers?: string[];
} | {
type: 'setEVOperation';
operation: {
limit: {
power?: number | null;
current?: number | null;
} | null;
startAt: Date;
endAt: Date;
assetIdentifiers?: string[];
} | {
operation: {
limit: {
activePower: number;
} | {
activePowerPercentage: number;
} | null;
reactivePower: {
reactivePower: number;
} | null;
startAt: Date;
endAt: Date;
assetIdentifiers?: string[];
type: 'setSolarOperation';
} | {
operation: {
limit: {
activePower: number;
} | {
activePowerPercentage: number;
} | null;
reactivePower: {
reactivePower: number;
} | null;
startAt: Date;
endAt: Date;
assetIdentifiers?: string[];
type: 'setWindOperation';
})[] | null;
assets: {
type: string;
identifier: string;
nominalActivePower: number | null;
details for body status 200 (in TS)
"READ" means that the device is visible in the Teleport Cloud API, but requests to schedule asset commands or setting asset parameters for them will be rejected. "READ_WRITE" means that scheduling asset commands and setting asset parameters is allowed.
In seconds. Applies to the default report type of each asset, like "solarPower", "windPower" and "batteryPower". Does not apply to auxilary reports like "batteryPower.flash".
Whether data forwarding is enabled for this device. See for more information.
The latest schedule sent in through our cloud API confirmed by this device. Instructions coming from control loops or the local API are not included.
Non-negative and <= 100. 0 will turn power production off, 100 will not curtail it at all.
When specified, the Teleport will only send the command to inverters or turbines whose identifier is in the array. Has no use case for Teleports that are connected to a single inverter or turbine.
In W. Positive for aFRR-up and negative for aFRR-down.
When specified, the Teleport will only send the command to active control loops whose identifier is in the array. Has no use case for Teleports that have a single active control loop.
In W and nonnegative
In W and nonnegative
When specified, the Teleport will only send the command to active control loops whose identifier is in the array. Has no use case for Teleports that have a single active control loop.
In W. Positive means discharging, negative charging.
In W and non-negative.
Non-negative and <= 100.
When specified, the Teleport will only send the command to batteries whose identifier is in the array. Has no use case for Teleports that are connected to a single battery.
In W. Active power for AC chargers. For non-bidirectional chargers this value should not be positive. Use null or leave the property out to indicate that no limit should be set.
In A. For non-bidirectional chargers this value should not be positive. Use null or leave the property out to indicate that no limit should be set. This is the phase current. In wye configurations it is the same as the line current. For delta configurations the phase current has to be multiplied by √3 to get the line current
When specified, the Teleport will only send the command to batteries whose identifier is in the array. Has no use case for Teleports that are connected to a single battery.
devices[].schedule[](type='setSolarOperation').operation.limit(type 1).activePower
Non-negative, in W. 0 will turn power production off, power above nominal active power will not curtail it at all.
devices[].schedule[](type='setSolarOperation').operation.limit(type 2).activePowerPercentage
Non-negative and <= 100. 0 will turn power production off, 100 will not curtail it at all.
In var. Positive means injecting, negative absorbing.
When specified, the Teleport will only send the command to inverters or turbines whose identifier is in the array. Has no use case for Teleports that are connected to a single inverter or turbine.
devices[].schedule[](type='setWindOperation').operation.limit(type 1).activePower
Non-negative, in W. 0 will turn power production off, power above nominal active power will not curtail it at all.
devices[].schedule[](type='setWindOperation').operation.limit(type 2).activePowerPercentage
Non-negative and <= 100. 0 will turn power production off, 100 will not curtail it at all.
In var. Positive means injecting, negative absorbing.
When specified, the Teleport will only send the command to inverters or turbines whose identifier is in the array. Has no use case for Teleports that are connected to a single inverter or turbine.
Total nominal active power of the asset in W, as configured by us. When possible, this value is verified with data from the asset. Can be null if not available.
error responses (next to generic errors)
400 { key: "invalid_offset" }
The provided offset query parameter is invalid