Frequently asked questions
This page features frequently asked questions about the following topics:
If you have a question that is not included in this FAQ, do not hesitate to contact us at
How does the installation of the Teleport work?
You can install the Teleport yourself, or it can be installed by your installation partner or a Withthegrid installation partner. During the installation Withthegrid provides remote support and configures the Teleport. The Teleport is operational immediately after installation.
Is a Scope 12 inspection required after installing the Teleport?
No, a Scope 12 inspection is not necessary after connecting the Teleport.
What are the technical specifications?
All equipment is industry-grade, using proven technology that has been extensively deployed. For a complete overview of the Teleport’s technical specifications, please refer to the Specifications page.
Can the Teleport be connected to any solar roof or park?
Yes, in most cases. If there’s a type of inverter or data controller that’s new to us, we can make a small and cost-free adjustment to connect the Teleport to your park, adding it to our Teleport asset library.
Should my asset have a static IP or DHCP?
When connecting the Teleport to the asset via a router for TCP/IP communication (which is recommended), the asset should have DHCP enabled while the router should be configured to assign a static DHCP lease to the asset. This IP should be communicated to Withthegrid. When connecting the Teleport directly to the asset for TCP/IP communication, the asset should have static IP which also should be communicated to Withthegrid.
Do you have Teleport demo devices that I can use to test the data forwarding?
We have Teleport demo devices in our test lab that can be made available for you. Each Teleport demo device is configured for you and set up in the Withthegrid test lab. With a Teleport demo device you can start integrating the Teleport solution into your systems. For more information, please refer to the Demo devices section.
Do I need to send a start and end time when sending a command to the Teleport?
For every command, a start and end time must be sent. In case the Teleport loses connectivity, the asset will revert to its default mode after the end time has elapsed.
Can multiple assets be connected to one Teleport?
Yes, the Teleport supports up to 3 clusters of assets connected via Modbus RTU over RS485. Maximum cluster size depends on the asset type. When connecting to assets via Modbus TCP over ethernet, there is no practical limit to the amount of assets the Teleport can support.
Can I send a command to a single asset connected to a Teleport?
Each asset cluster can be individually operated. Assets are clustered if they are on the same RS485 line in the case of Modbus RTU, or if they are connected to, and controlled via, a (smart)logger.
How do I know for sure that a message has been successfully received by the Teleport?
The device is designed to send at least one message. In other words, if a message doesn’t get through, it will continue attempting to send until it is successfully delivered.
What is the expected lifespan of the Teleport?
The Teleport has a mean-time-to-failure of at least 10 years.
How does the API work?
An API is an automated link between two computers allowing them to communicate. Our API can be used to control assets, or retrieve information about the Teleport(s). A complete overview of the API is available on our API Documentation page.
How can I cancel an active schedule sent to the Teleport?
To cancel a schedule, keep in mind that a new schedule for an asset will override any previously sent schedules for that asset. So you have multiple options:
- Send a new schedule with the desired target state
- Send a new schedule with an empty
array or an array excluding the active command. The asset will revert to its default mode when it has no active command, ie. 100% setpoint for solar and wind assets and standby mode for batteries (/api/models/#setbatteryoperation).
How granular is the read-out and control of the energy assets?
Readout and control is done on “asset” level. That asset gets an asset identifier and the Teleport will periodically send reports about it. You can also control on that level.
Often there are multiple options on what to define as the asset level. It can be an individual inverter, converter or EV charger station. It can also be a whole string of inverters or pool of EV chargers. For solar and EV assets we also allow combining multiple strings or pools into a single asset.
How much energy does the Teleport use?
The Teleport uses less than 1.2 kWh per week.
Does the Teleport have a cellular connection?
Yes the Teleport has its own cellular connection. However, it’s strongly recommended, especially on large scale assets, to use a local internet connection and only use the Teleport’s cellular connection as a fallback.
What is the data consumption of the Teleport?
This depends on the number of assets connected to a Teleport, the reporting interval and the frequency and length of schedules being sent. As an estimate for a Teleport connected to a single solar asset, reporting on a 1-minute interval and receiving schedules on a 5-minute basis, the data usage is around 120 MB/month. This includes firmware updates of the Teleport device itself.
Do you charge extra for more frequent reporting intervals?
The default is a 5-minute reporting interval. For 1-minute or flash messages a surcharge can be billed depending on the agreement.
When receiving flash messages from a battery system, will I still receive regular reports?
When receiving other messages apart from regular reports, such as flash messages, regular reports will still be sent. The flash messages are thus received on top of the regular reports.
Is the Teleport designed to be fire-safe, and what safety standards does it comply with?
The Teleport is CE certified and meets the EN/UL/IEC 62368-1 standards, which include fire safety aspects.
What warranty coverage does the Teleport come with?
The Teleport Gateway comes with 24 months of warranty.
Why is the energy data from the Teleport different from the official meter on site?
A difference in energy readings between the Teleport and the official on-site meter can arise due to different measurement methods. The Teleport gathers data directly from the asset, like an inverter, which might have varying accuracy compared to an MID certified energy meter. Additionally, energy losses occurring between the asset and the on-site meter aren’t accounted for in the Teleport’s readings. It’s important to note that the Teleport can link to multiple assets, so for total power calculations, you may need to aggregate the readings from all connected assets.
Why do my PV logger energy metrics sometimes show incorrect values?
Energy metrics from PV loggers may occasionally appear incorrect, particularly at sunset, or there may be brief periods when an inverter’s metrics are missing. Several solutions have been attempted to address this issue, but a reliable resolution has not been achieved. The following approaches were explored:
Algorithm Filtering on the Teleport: The Teleport retains the peak energy value and rejects an entire report if the energy value is below this peak. This method was implemented for Sungrow loggers but proved problematic during Teleport restarts, inverter swaps, or incorrect peak values. Although storing the peak value on disk could mitigate some issues, others remain unresolved.
Property-Based Filtering in PV Loggers: The Teleport reads an additional metric, such as nominal power, and rejects reports if this value deviates from a preconfigured standard. This approach was tested with Huawei Smartloggers, SMA datamanagers, and Sungrow loggers. However, discrepancies may occur between nominal power checks and actual energy readings, as seen with Sungrow loggers during nighttime.
Direct Inverter Readouts and Aggregation: Direct readouts from inverters, though slower (especially over RS485), were considered. This approach does not null the entire report but only the specific value if an inverter is unavailable.
Given these challenges, we have decided to pass through all logger values without filtering. You may use the data as-is or apply your own filters. Alternatively, direct inverter readouts can be implemented where feasible, considering latency constraints.
Is the Teleport an EMS?
The Teleport can deliver on-site EMS functionality such as adjusting power static or dynamic grid limits and peak shaving consumption for batteries. Other activities often performed by a cloud EMS, such as controlling battery power based on price fluctuations on various electricity markets, are left to separate systems which can connect to our API. More details on which control strategies are part of the Teleport can be found on the Control strategies page.
For dynamic load control, can the energy meter used be directly connected to my asset?
When the Teleport is actively adjusting the active power of the asset relative to local self-consumption based on measured values from the meter, it needs to access the meter directly. This requires a direct connection between the Teleport and the asset, as well as between the Teleport and the meter. More information on the required setup can be found in the Power limiter section.
Connectivity and security
What version of TLS does the Teleport use, and are older versions supported?
The Teleport utilizes TLS (Transport Layer Security) version 1.3, which is the latest and most secure version of the TLS protocol. To maintain a high level of security, we do not support the older, less secure TLS version 1.0.
How many subnetworks can a Teleport create?
The Teleport software stack, compatible with various hardware types, currently supports the creation of two subnetworks.
Does the Teleport need to be updated?
The Teleport can be remotely updated with new software when needed, without affecting its performance. This ensures the Teleport remains secure.
Who retains ownership of the data collected by the Teleport?
Data collected by the Teleport is fully owned by the client.
What else is done with the data?
The data is forwarded to your systems and temporarily stored on our servers for 30 days to ensure successful delivery to you.
How does the Teleport secure data against potential leaks, and what cybersecurity measures are in place?
Cybersecurity is a core value at Withthegrid. We are ISO27001 certified. Communication between the Teleport and cloud services is end-to-end encrypted (TLS) to prevent eavesdropping. Each Teleport uses a unique certificate and doesn’t accept incoming connections, instead initiating contact with cloud services. Software updates, including security patches, are remotely administered.
Does the Teleport use a VPN?
We have secure connection to our cloud service and do not use a VPN. For more information about how we handle cybersecurity, have a look at our Cybersecurity documentation
Can the Teleport connect to meters provided by a Dutch Metering Company?
Yes, the Teleport can be connected to the meters provided by Dutch Metering Companies for real-time readout. In most cases, the existing meter is not sufficient for real-time readout and asset control with a Teleport. The metering company will offer an add-on, replacement or additional meter to make it real-time modbus compatible. Note that most meters provided by Dutch metering companies operate with a 1-second refresh rate, making them suboptimal for fast local EMS services. For applications requiring stringent limit enforcement within shorter response times, a meter with a higher (200ms) refresh rate should be considered.
If the Teleport is directly connected to the meter, specify the following settings, with values as described in Static IPs for a direct asset connection. If the meter connects to a switch or router, the following configuration settings should be determined in consultation with the system administrator at the site or Withthegrid:
- IP address
- Subnet mask
- Default gateway
- TCP port
Please note that the IT administrator of the client will have to determine the specific network configuration, such as whether the meter should use a static IP or DHCP. If DHCP settings are chosen for the meter, the meter will receive an IP address from the router. Note that after installation, it is important that the assigned IP address is reserved in the router by the IT administrator or the installer. The subnet mask and default gateway do not need to be specified in advance. Once the setup is completed, Withthegrid will need to be informed of the assigned IP address and Modbus port number (typically 502) for system integration.
Below is an overview of each metering company and their most common methods for enabling real-time meter readout:
- Fudura: Place an add-on (or reaplace the meter) with a Metcom meter and a COM350 expansion module for Modbus TCP. Fudura will also ask the questions below
- Joulz: Place an E65C CU-XE add-on for real-time modbus TCP readout of the Landis+Gyr meter. Joulz will ask you to fill in the form “Realtime inzicht - Modbus TCP/IP instellingen [V-mrt24]“. If the Teleport is directly connected to the meter, specify the following settings, with values as described in Static IPs for a direct asset connection. Note that for Joulz the TCP port that is used is typically 1502.
- Kenter: Kenter has provided multiple options. They can add an additional Janitza meter purely for real-time meter data. The benefit of this option is the high speed of the Janitza meter. They also have an add-on for real-time readout of the Metcom meter via the Blue2Box. An add-on for real-time readout of the Landis+Gyr meter is expected Q4 2024. Kenter will ask you for the settings to preconfigure on the meter. If the Teleport is directly connected to the meter, specify the following settings, with values as described in Static IPs for a direct asset connection.
- Innax: Place an E65C CU-XE add-on for real-time readout of the Landis+Gyr meter.
- TUMS B.V.: Place an add-on for real-time readout of the Metcom meter via the Blue2Box or direct readout via the P1 port.
- Het Meetbedrijf B.V.: Place an add-on for real-time readout of the Metcom meter via the Blue2Box or direct readout via the P1 port.
- Anexo: Place an add-on for real-time readout of EMH meter via Interface Module XC Modbus.
- 123Meetdirect B.V.: Replace meter (if necessary) with a Metcom meter with a P1 port for direct readout with the Teleport.
- Energie Consult Holland B.V.: Unknown.
Can the Dutch Metering Company also install my Teleport?
All Dutch Metering Companies are familiar with the Teleport. We are currently discussing with them to facilitate Teleport installation services. Below is the overview of metering companies who can currently install a Teleport together with upgrading the meter for real-time readout:
- Innax (
- TUMS (
- Het Meetbedrijf (