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Battery power error and warning codes

If available, errors and warnings are included in the forwarded message inside and errors and warnings properties. These arrays of strings contain a complete list of keys of errors and warnings resulting from collecting a report. The following table lists all possible error and warning keys together with the key description, what could cause an error/warning, and how to solve it.

General errors and warnings

warningalert_stateThe battery reports that it is currently in an alert state. The alert state is defined by Tennet as an event of a larger frequency deviation, an alert state is activated when the frequency deviation is higher than 50 mHz for 15 minutes, higher than 100 mHz for 5 minutes, or instantaneously higher than 200 mHz. Consult the FCR handbook for more information about the alert state. This warning is not supported by the Alfen battery.
warningrecovery_stateThe asset reports that it is currently in a recovery state. Recovery state is defined by Tennet as an event after which the battery must have the awarded/contracted amount of FCR fully available again which can take up to 2 hours. During this time, FCR functionality shall be disabled. This warning is only supported by the ATEPS battery with FCR module. battery.
warningreserve_modeThe asset reports that it is currently in reserve mode. The transition to reserve mode is initiated once the state of charge thresholds are reached or exceeded, while the system is in alert or emergency state. For more information about reserve mode consult Tennet’s explanatory note.
errorinvalid_fcr_configThe battery reports that FCR mode is disabled as its configuration is invalid. It might happen when the battery is reset or when someone manually changed these parameters. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this corrected.
errorinvalid_soc_configThe battery reports that state-of-charge mode is disabled as its configuration is invalid. It might happen when the battery is reset or when someone manually changed these parameters. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this corrected. This warning is not supported by the Alfen battery.
errorinvalid_qv_droopThe battery reports that the reactive power droop curve configuration is invalid. It might happen when the battery is reset or when someone manually changed these parameters. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this corrected. This warning is not supported by the Ateps battery.
errorasymmetric_fcr_droopThe battery reports that the maximum charge and discharge power setpoints for the FCR droop curve are not symmetrical. It might happen when the battery is reset or when someone manually changed these parameters. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this corrected.
errordeliver_fcr_config_not_readableTeleport failed to retrieve the deliverFCR data object from the battery. This object contains the active FCR configuration queried from the battery. It might happen when the battery is unresponsive due to a communication error. Contact Withthegrid if this error remains in multiple consecutive reports.
errorcharge_to_state_config_not_readableTeleport failed to retrieve the chargeToState data object from the battery. This object contains the active state-of-charge configuration queried from the battery. It might happen when the battery is unresponsive due to a communication error. Contact Withthegrid if this error remains in multiple consecutive reports.
errordispatch_power_config_not_readableTeleport failed to retrieve the dispatchPower data object from the battery. This object contains the active dispatch power configuration queried from the battery. It might happen when the battery is unresponsive due to a communication error. Contact Withthegrid if this error remains in multiple consecutive reports.
errorbidirectional_fcr_setpointThe battery reports that the both, charging and discharging setpoints of FCR mode are non-zero. This is an unexpected behavior that could be caused by an internal battery error or a communication error. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this checked.
errorbidirectional_soc_setpointThe battery reports that the both, charging and discharging setpoints of state-of-charge mode are non-zero. This is an unexpected behavior that could be caused by an internal battery error or a communication error. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this checked.
errordispatch_power_setpoint_not_readableTeleport failed to retrieve the dispatchPower setpoint from the battery. This value contains the active dispatch power setpoint configuration queried from the battery. It might happen when the battery is unresponsive due to a communication error. Contact Withthegrid if this error remains in multiple consecutive reports.
errorcharge_to_state_setpoint_not_readableTeleport failed to retrieve the chargeToState setpoint from the battery. This value contains the active state-of-charge setpoint configuration queried from the battery. It might happen when the battery is unresponsive due to a communication error. Contact Withthegrid if this error remains in multiple consecutive reports.
errorbattery_status_is_faultThe system reports that the BMS currently has status fault. This is a generic fault indicator, and no additional information is given here. Check for other errors or warnings that could indicate where the problem is, and contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorbattery_control_not_enabledThe system reports that Battery Control Mode is not active. This means the Teleport is unable to control battery power at this time. The Teleport tries to set this control mode if it is not active. If this issue persists, it means we are not able to set the power mode. Please contact Withthegrid for support.

Asset-specific errors and warnings


erroralfen_status_busyThe Alfen battery reports that the system is busy switching the BMS on or off. Contact the OEM to have this corrected if this behavior is unexpected.
erroralfen_status_wait_for_resetThe Alfen battery reports that the system has an error or alarm and is waiting for the reset command. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
erroralfen_status_suspendedThe Alfen battery reports that the system has been suspended for operation. No power output is possible. BMS are on. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
erroralfen_status_reset_busyThe Alfen battery reports that the system is busy executing a reset. This implies that a reset command is issued. No other commands will be executed. Contact the OEM or Withthegrid if this error remains in multiple consecutive reports.
erroralfen_status_starting_upThe Alfen battery reports that the system is powering up. This is an initial state after the 24V supply to the electronics has been established and an emergency stop is active. Contact the OEM or Withthegrid if this error remains in multiple consecutive reports.
erroralfen_status_out_of_serviceThe Alfen battery reports that all BESSes are disabled. This is only supported for multi-BESS systems where a master controller controls multiple systems. Contact the OEM to have this corrected.
erroralfen_status_ready_for_rebootThe Alfen battery reports that a configuration change was made in a BESS that requires a reboot of the BESS. Contact the OEM to have this corrected.
erroralfen_fire_alarm_activeThe Alfen battery reports that 1 or more fire alarms are active. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
erroralfen_remote_control_not_allowedThe Alfen battery reports that remote control is not allowed. Write operations will be ignored which means that scheduled setpoints will not be followed by the Alfen battery. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.


errorsmartgrid_system_faultThe Smartgrid battery reports a general system fault. It might happen when the main circuit breaker has tripped and the battery has no grid power. If this state is active, Teleport will set the battery in an off state and will start monitoring the AC frequency measured by the system. The Teleport will switch the battery on only once the grid frequency is within 50 Hz. Contact the OEM to have the system fault resolved.
errorsmartgrid_system_error_alarmThe Smartgrid battery reports that a system is in a general error state or an alarm is active. If this state is active, the Teleport schedule will most probably not be adhered to by the battery, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
errorsmartgrid_pcs_faultThe Smartgrid battery reports that the power conversion system is in a fault state. If this state is active, the Teleport schedule will most probably not be adhered to by the battery, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
errorsmartgrid_charger_1_faultThe Smartgrid battery reports that the first charger is in a fault state. If this state is active, the Teleport schedule will most probably not be adhered to by the battery, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
errorsmartgrid_charger_2_faultThe Smartgrid battery reports that the second charger is in a fault state. If this state is active, the Teleport schedule will most probably not be adhered to by the battery, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
errorsmartgrid_charger_3_faultThe Smartgrid battery reports that the third charger is in a fault state. If this state is active, the Teleport schedule will most probably not be adhered to by the battery, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
errorsmartgrid_smoke_detectedThe Smartgrid battery reports that smoke was detected. If this state is active, the Teleport schedule will most probably not be adhered to by the battery, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningsmartgrid_system_not_runningThe Smartgrid battery reports that the system is not running. The Teleport tries to start it up within a few seconds. If this warning persists for a longer period of time, contact the OEM to have this resolved. The batteryStatus property in the forwarded payload will be other in this case, which is why this is included as a warning instead of an error.
warningsmartgrid_pcs_not_runningThe Smartgrid battery reports that the power conversion system (PCS) is not running. The Teleport tries to start it up within a few seconds. If this warning persists for a longer period of time, contact the OEM to have this resolved. The batteryStatus property in the forwarded payload will be other in this case, which is why this is included as a warning instead of an error.
warningsmartgrid_watchdog_not_runningThe Smartgrid battery reports that the watchdog is not increasing. If the watchdog is not increasing, the system is not running, and the other parameters are likely not updated anymore. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningsmartgrid_not_set_remoteThe Smartgrid battery reports that it is not configured to a remote state. If the remote control is not enabled, the battery ignores setpoints from Teleport. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningsmartgrid_system_warningThe Smartgrid battery reports a general system warning. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningsmartgrid_temperature_alarmThe Smartgrid battery reports that the ambient or cell temperature is too low or too high. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningsmartgrid_humidity_alarmThe Smartgrid battery reports that the humidity inside the container is outside the rated range. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningsmartgrid_temperature_alarmThe Smartgrid battery reports that the ambient or cell temperature is too low or too high. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningsmartgrid_soc_calibration_requiredThe Smartgrid battery reports that the state of charge should be calibrated. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningsmartgrid_warning_charge_currentThe Smartgrid battery reports charging current warning.
warningsmartgrid_warning_discharge_currentThe Smartgrid battery reports discharging current warning.
warningsmartgrid_warning_cell_voltage_highThe Smartgrid battery reports high cell voltage warning.
warningsmartgrid_warning_cell_voltage_lowThe Smartgrid battery reports low cell voltage warning.
warningsmartgrid_warning_cell_temperature_highThe Smartgrid battery reports high cell temperature warning.
warningsmartgrid_warning_cell_temperature_lowThe Smartgrid battery reports low cell temperature warning.
warningsmartgrid_warning_ambient_temperature_highThe Smartgrid battery reports high ambient temperature warning.
warningsmartgrid_warning_ambient_temperature_lowThe Smartgrid battery reports low ambient temperature warning.
warningsmartgrid_warning_insulation_resistanceThe Smartgrid battery reports low insulation resistance warning.
warningsmartgrid_warning_system_voltage_highThe Smartgrid battery reports dc voltage high warning.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_charge_currentThe Smartgrid battery reports charging current alarm.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_discharge_currentThe Smartgrid battery reports discharging current alarm.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_cell_voltage_highThe Smartgrid battery reports high cell voltage alarm.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_cell_voltage_lowThe Smartgrid battery reports low cell voltage alarm.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_cell_temperature_highThe Smartgrid battery reports high cell temperature alarm.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_cell_temperature_lowThe Smartgrid battery reports low cell temperature alarm.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_ambient_temperature_highThe Smartgrid battery reports high ambient temperature alarm.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_ambient_temperature_lowThe Smartgrid battery reports low ambient temperature alarm.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_insulation_resistanceThe Smartgrid battery reports low insulation resistance alarm.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_system_voltage_highThe Smartgrid battery reports dc voltage high alarm.
warningsmartgrid_alarm_smoke_detectionSmoke detected in container.
warningsmartgrid_fault_charge_currentThe Smartgrid battery reports charging current fault.
warningsmartgrid_fault_discharge_currentThe Smartgrid battery reports discharging current fault.
warningsmartgrid_fault_cell_voltage_highThe Smartgrid battery reports high cell voltage fault.
warningsmartgrid_fault_cell_voltage_lowThe Smartgrid battery reports low cell voltage fault.
warningsmartgrid_fault_cell_temperature_highThe Smartgrid battery reports high cell temperature fault.
warningsmartgrid_fault_ambient_temperature_highThe Smartgrid battery reports high ambient temperature fault.
warningsmartgrid_fault_insulation_resistanceThe Smartgrid battery reports low insulation resistance fault.
warningsmartgrid_fault_system_voltage_highThe Smartgrid battery reports dc voltage high fault.
warningsmartgrid_fault_emergency_stopEmergency stop pressed.
warningsmartgrid_dc_link_precharge_failedDC link voltage not reached within specified time.
warningsmartgrid_remote_setpoint_exceededSetpoint send by remote control exceeded, limited to allowed by system.


Contact the OEM for further information and to have the following errors/warnings resolved.

errorrrs_partial_operationThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the operation of the battery is restricted.
errorrrs_general_alarmThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports a general alarm.
errorrrs_dcac1_general_isolationThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports an isolation error.
errorrrs_dcac1_no_start_conditionsThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the pre-charging could not be completed within the specified time limit.
errorrrs_dcac1_module_is_disabledThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that two out of four power modules from the inverter are disabled.
errorrrs_bmu1_cell_undertemp_cat2The Rolls-Royce BESS reports low temperature in a battery bank 1 of the specific BESS string (<0°C).
errorrrs_bmu1_cell_overtemp_cat2The Rolls-Royce BESS reports high temperature in a battery cell of bank 1 of the specific BESS string (>52°C).
errorrrs_bmu2_cell_undertemp_cat2The Rolls-Royce BESS reports low temperature in a battery in bank 2 of the specific BESS string (<0°C).
errorrrs_bmu2_cell_overtemp_cat2The Rolls-Royce BESS reports high temperature in a battery cell of bank 2 of the specific BESS string (>52°C).
errorrrs_warranty_temperature_exceededThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the cell temperature measured above the maximum cell temperature for warranty (27°C).
errorrrs_sif1_timeout_gridThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the grid voltage is missing.
errorrrs_sif1_isolation_inverter_faultThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the isolation value measured by the inverter is below the alarm threshold.
errorrrs_sif1_smoke_faultThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that a smoke sensor has triggered in one of the battery racks.
errorrrs_sif1_temp_faultThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that a temperature sensor has triggered in one of the battery racks.
errorrrs_fire_alarm_lvl1_alarmThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports a level 1 fire alarm.
errorrrs_fire_alarm_lvl2_alarmThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports a level 2 fire alarm. Level 2 fire alarm triggers a shutdown of all BESS strings.
errorrrs_manual_modeThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the system is in a manual mode which will raise the rrs_not_available warning.
errorrrs_not_availableThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports a cumulative warning. Any other reasons besides manual mode are included in the warning array.
errorrrs_rack_disconnectedThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that at least one battery rack has been disconnected.
errorrrs_v_rd_emm_comparisonThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that that least one voltage transformer of the medium voltage measurement has failed.
errorrrs_i_rd_emm_comparisonThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that at least one current transformer of the medium voltage measurement has failed.
errorrrs_trip_mv_switchgear_activeThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the medium voltage switchgear trip is active.
errorrrs_sif1_estop_inverter_faultThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the inverter has a fault condition which activated the emergency stop.
errorrrs_sif1_safety_chain_faultThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the safety chain has been triggered.
errorrrs_sif1_emergency_stop_button_faultThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the emergency stop button has been pressed on the BESS cabinet.
errorrrs_sif1_fire_alarmThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that both smoke and temperature detectors are triggered in a battery string.
errorrrs_sif1_energetiq_communication_timeoutThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that communication is lost between EnergetIQ and the BESS controller.
errorrrs_dcac1_fault_commsThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the heartbeat between the BESS controller and the PCS is lost.
errorrrs_dcac1_faulted_stateThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that a critical fault is active in the inverter, preventing operation.
errorrrs_bmu1_cell_overtemp_alarmThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the battery cell temperature in battery bank 1 of the specific BESS string is above the maximum limit.
errorrrs_bmu2_cell_overtemp_alarmThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the battery cell temperature in battery bank 2 of the specific BESS string is above the maximum limit.
errorrrs_mbmu1_alarm_stateThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that a critical fault is active in battery bank 1 of the specific BESS string, which prevents the functioning of that bank.
errorrrs_mbmu2_alarm_stateThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that a critical fault is active in battery bank 2 of the specific BESS string, which prevents the functioning of that bank.
errorrrs_com_to_pic_io_failureThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that communication is lost between EnergetIQ and BESS controller.
warningrrs_soc_out_of_boundsThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the state of charge is outside of the operational limits.
warningrrs_standby_modeThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the BESS is in standby mode.
warningrrs_ac_not_connectedThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the AC breaker opened. This means that the corresponding BESS is offline.
warningrrs_general_warningThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports a general warning.
warningrrs_sif1_spd_contact_faultThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the surge protection device has been triggered.
warningrrs_mbmu1_stateThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports a warning is present in battery bank 1 of the specific BESS string.
warningrrs_mbmu2_stateThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports a warning is present in battery bank 1 of the specific BESS string.
warningrrs_average_site_soc_too_highThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the average SOC of all BESS systems is above 95%.
warningrrs_average_site_soc_too_lowThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the average SOC of all BESS systems is below 5%.
warningrrs_hard_upper_limit_active_powerThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that hard upper active power limits of one, or more plants or assets were violated to fulfill the setpoint.
warningrrs_hard_lower_limit_active_powerThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the hard lower active power limits of one, or more plants or assets were violated to fulfill the setpoint.
warningrrs_hard_upper_limit_reactive_powerThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the hard upper reactive power limits of one, or more plants or assets were violated to fulfill the setpoint.
warningrrs_hard_lower_limit_reactive_powerThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the hard lower reactive power limits of one, or more plants or assets were violated to fulfill the setpoint.
warningrrs_cannot_fulfill_grid_setpointThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the desired active power at the grid cannot be provided, as doing so will either violate the grid services reserve or overload the grid connection point.
warningrrs_overvoltage_protectionThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the overvoltage protection triggered an alarm.
warningrrs_s_rd_apparent_pwr_bus_gridThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the apparent power on the gridpoint is too high and that the limitation is active.
warningrrs_light_intensity_sensor_warningThe Rolls-Royce battery reports that the reading from the light intensity sensor is implausible.
warningrrs_sif1_ups_faultThe Rolls-Royce BESS reports that the UPS voltage is missing or interrupted.
warningrrs_modbus_tcp_400v_energy_meterThe Rolls-Royce battery reports failure on Modbus communication with Janitza. The site will stay controllable, but reports will lack auxiliary measurements.


erroriwell_setpoints_handling_unavailableThe iWell battery reports that the system is unavailable to handle setpoints. This can happen if external setpoints are not enabled via configuration or an error is active. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
erroriwell_heartbeat_invalidThe iWell battery reports in the heartbeat feedback that the heartbeat has not been updated within the timeout value. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this corrected.
warningiwell_peak_shaving_activeThe iWell battery reports that the availability for handling setpoints is not available because peak shaving is active which has a priority. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.

Sunspec Series 700 Batteries

errorsunspec_ess_grid_not_connectedThe Sunspec battery system is not connected to the grid. This may be caused by an open circuit breaker. Contact the OEM for support.
errorsunspec_ess_status_faultThe Sunspec battery system is in fault mode, which may be caused by another alarm or error. Contact Withtegrid or the OEM for support.
errorsunspec_communication_errorThe Sunspec battery system reports that a communication error is present in the system. Contact the OEM for support.
warningsunspec_over_temperatureThe Sunspec battery system reports that the temperature measured by one or more sensors is above the ‘warning’ threshold for the maximum operating temperature.
warningsunspec_under_temperatureThe Sunspec battery system reports that the temperature measured by one or more sensors is below the ‘warning’ threshold for the minimum operating temperature.
warningsunspec_over_charge_currentThe Sunspec battery system reports that the charging current has exceeded the ‘warning’ threshold.
warningsunspec_over_discharge_currentThe Sunspec battery system reports that the discharging current has exceeded the ‘warning’ threshold.
warningsunspec_over_voltageThe Sunspec battery system reports that the system has measured a BESS voltage exceeding the ‘warning’ threshold for maximum operating voltage.
warningsunspec_under_voltageThe Sunspec battery system reports that the system has measured a BESS voltage below the ‘warning’ threshold for minimum operating voltage.
warningsunspec_under_soc_minThe Sunspec battery system reports that the State of Charge reported by the BESS is below the configured minimum value.
warningsunspec_over_soc_maxThe Sunspec battery system reports that the State of Charge reported by the BESS is above the configured maximum value.
warningsunspec_voltage_imbalanceThe Sunspec battery system reports that an imbalance in the measured voltage has exceeded the ‘warning’ threshold.
warningsunspec_temperature_imbalanceThe Sunspec battery system reports that an imbalance in the measured temperature has exceeded the ‘warning’ threshold.
errorsunspec_contactor_errorThe Sunspec battery system reports an error relating to a contactor. Contact the OEM for support.
errorsunspec_fan_errorThe Sunspec battery system reports an error relating to one or more fans in the system. Contact the OEM for support.
errorsunspec_ground_faultThe Sunspec battery system reports a ground fault. Contact the OEM for support.
errorsunspec_open_door_errorThe Sunspec battery system reports that the facility door is opened.
warningsunspec_current_imbalance_warningThe Sunspec battery system reports that an imbalance in the measured BESS current has exceeded the ‘warning’ threshold.
warningsunspec_other_alarmThe Sunspec battery system reports a generic alarm not included in the defined alarms list. Please contact Withthegrid for support.
warningsunspec_other_warningThe Sunspec battery system reports a generic warning not included in the defined warnings list. Please contact Withthegrid for support.

Sunspec Series 800 Batteries

errorsunspec_battery_system_is_sleeping_or_auto_shutdownThe Sunspec battery system is sleeping / auto-shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
warningsunspec_battery_system_is_operating_at_reduced_power_outputThe Sunspec battery system is operating at reduced power output. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorsunspec_battery_system_is_shutting_downThe Sunspec battery system is shutting down. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
warningsunspec_battery_system_faultThe Sunspec battery system has one or more faults. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorsunspec_battery_bank_is_disconnectedThe Sunspec battery system reports that the battery bank is disconnected. All contactors are open. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
warningsunspec_battery_bank_soc_too_lowThe Sunspec battery system reports that battery bank is connected but SoC is too low. Battery should be considered “offline”
warningsunspec_battery_bank_suspendingThe Sunspec battery system reports that battery bank is Battery bank is suspending operation and will disconnect.
errorsunspec_battery_faultThe Sunspec battery battery system has experienced a critical failure and may not be operated. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.


Contact the OEM for further information and to have the following errors/warnings resolved.

Luna 2000 B/C (commercial scale)

errorhuawei_ess_unexpected_shutdownThe Huawei battery indicates that the system experienced an unexpected shutdown event, possibly due to an internal fault or external interruption.
errorhuawei_ess_emergency_power_offThe Huawei battery signals the initiation of an emergency power-off procedure, typically in response to critical safety concerns or emergencies.
errorhuawei_ess_charge_discharge_disabledThe Huawei battery reports that the normal charging and discharging functions of the system have been intentionally disabled, possibly as a safety precaution or due to maintenance activities.
errorhuawei_ess_battery_pack_rapid_shutdownThe Huawei battery reports a rapid and immediate shutdown of the battery pack, often in response to detected faults or hazardous conditions.
errorhuawei_ess_ac_spd_faultThe Huawei battery reports AC SPD fault.
errorhuawei_ess_fire_alarmThe Huawei battery reports that a fire has been detected in the battery cabin.
errorhuawei_ess_combustible_gas_alarmThe Huawei battery indicates that there is a leakage of combustible gas due to the lithium battery’s safety valve being open, and a thermal runaway of the lithium battery has taken place.
errorhuawei_ess_offlineThe Huawei battery ess subsystem indicates that it is offline.
warninghuawei_ess_standby_safemodeThe Huawei battery signals that the system is in a standby state with enhanced safety features or reduced functionality, typically activated during diagnostic or troubleshooting procedures.
warninghuawei_ess_standby_cable_connection_detectionThe Huawei battery detects the presence or absence of cable connections while the system is in standby mode, ensuring proper connectivity for activation when required.
warninghuawei_ess_soft_startThe Huawei battery refers to the initiation of a gradual and controlled startup process to minimize stress on system components and ensure stable operation.
warninghuawei_ess_operating_limited_powerThe Huawei battery indicates that the system is currently operating with restricted power output, potentially due to external constraints or internal limitations.
warninghuawei_ess_operating_self_deratingThe Huawei battery reports that there is a reduction in performance or power output during operation, often in response to environmental conditions or operational parameters.
warninghuawei_ess_running_current_limitingThe Huawei battery indicates that the system is actively limiting its running current to prevent overloading or overheating of components.
warninghuawei_ess_commanded_shutdownThe Huawei battery refers to a planned and deliberate shutdown of the system initiated by an external command or user instruction.
warninghuawei_ess_loadingThe Huawei battery indicates that the system is currently engaged in loading processes, such as data loading or software initialization, as part of its startup sequence or operational routine.
warninghuawei_ess_ups_alarmThe Huawei battery reports that A UPS alarm has been generated.
warninghuawei_ess_fire_suppression_module_pressure_lowThe Huawei battery reports low pressure in the built-in fire suppression module.

Luna 2000 (residential scale)

errorhuawei_ess_status_faultThe Huawei battery reports that the power conversion system is in a fault state. If this state is active, the Teleport schedule will most probably not be adhered to by the battery, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warninghuawei_ess_status_sleep_modeThe Huawei battery reports that the system is in sleep mode. This can happen when the battery is not charged for a long time and the state-of-charge reaches discharge cutoff capacity. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warninghuawei_ess_status_standbyThe Huawei battery reports that the system is in standby mode. Contact Withthegrid if this error remains in multiple consecutive reports.
warninghuawei_ess_status_offlineThe Huawei battery reports that the system is offline. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.


errorsolaredge_status_faultThe Solaredge battery reports that the power conversion system is in a fault state. If this state is active, the Teleport schedule will most probably not be adhered to by the battery, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.


warningateps_idleThe ATEPS battery reports that the battery is in an idle state. This warning can most probably be deactivated by scheduling an active dispatch command. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this corrected if this warning persists during active schedules.
errorateps_batteries_disconnectedThe ATEPS battery reports that the batteries have disconnected. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
errorateps_ems_in_errorThe ATEPS battery reports that the EMS is in an error state. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
errorateps_in_maintenance_modeThe ATEPS battery reports that it is in maintenance mode. In this mode, charge and discharge commands via Modbus are ignored. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.


warningibg_battery_sleepingThe IBG battery reports that it is currently sleeping. If it doesn’t disappear automatically: Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved
erroribg_battery_unavailableThe IBG battery reports that the battery is currently unavailable. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
erroribg_setpoints_handling_unavailableThe IBG battery reports that the battery is currently unavailable for control. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this corrected if this warning persists during active schedules.

Time Shift

warningtime_shift_system_warningThe Time Shift battery reports a generic system warning. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningtime_shift_ac_dc_warningThe Time Shift battery reports a warning from the inverter system. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningtime_shift_bms_warningThe Time Shift battery reports a warning in the Battery Management System. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
errortime_shift_system_errorThe Time Shift battery reports a generic system error, and the system may be unavailable. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this resolved.
errortime_shift_ac_dc_errorThe Time Shift battery reports an error from the inverter system, and the system may be unavailable. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this resolved.

Delta CNTE

For Delta PCS coupled with CNTE battery systems, the warnings may be appended with levels, such as delta_cnte_charge_over_current_level_3. Levels range from 1 to 3, and give an indication of the severity of the problem.

errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_rs_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phases R and S, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_rs_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phases R and S, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_st_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phases S and T, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_tr_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phases T and R, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_rs_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phases R and S, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_st_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phases S and T, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_tr_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phases T and R, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_rn_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phase R and neutral, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_sn_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phase S and neutral, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_tn_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phase T and neutral, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_rn_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phase R and neutral, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_sn_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phase S and neutral, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_tn_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phase T and neutral, as measured at the grid connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_rs_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phases R and S, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_st_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phases S and T, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_tr_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phases T and R, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_rs_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phases R and S, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_st_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phases S and T, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_tr_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phases T and R, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_rn_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phase R and neutral, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_sn_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phase S and neutral, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_tn_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an over-voltage fault between phase T and neutral, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_rn_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phase R and neutral, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_sn_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phase S and neutral, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_tn_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an under-voltage fault between phase T and neutral, as measured at the PCS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_over_frequencyThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a grid over-frequency fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_under_frequencyThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a grid under-frequency fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_phase_lock_failedThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a grid phase lock failure. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_ac_start_voltage_over_limitThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an AC start voltage over-limit fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_ac_over_frequencyThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an AC over-frequency fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_ac_under_frequencyThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an AC under-frequency fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_ac_phase_sequenceThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an AC phase sequence fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_ac_phase_lockThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an AC phase lock fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_islandingThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an islanding condition. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_ac_reconnection_delayThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an AC reconnection delay. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_voltage_average_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports that the average system voltage exceeds safe operational limits. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_voltage_average_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports that the average system voltage is below safe operational limits. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_dc_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects that the DC voltage exceeds the allowable threshold. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_dc_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects that the DC voltage is below the allowable threshold. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_dc_voltage_reverse_connectedThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) identifies a reverse connection in the DC voltage. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_bms_communicationThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault in communication with the Battery Management System (BMS). Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_bms_errorThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault with the Battery Management System (BMS). Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_epoThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an emergency power-off (EPO) event, indicating a critical safety condition. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_remote_epoThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a remote-triggered emergency power-off (EPO). Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_ac_switchThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault with the AC switch, affecting system connectivity. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_dc_switchThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault with the DC switch, potentially affecting system functionality. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_dc_fuseThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects a fault in the DC fuse, possibly indicating a failure in the circuit protection. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_dc_spdThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault in the DC surge protection device (SPD), affecting protection against power surges. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_ac_spdThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault in the AC surge protection device (SPD), potentially compromising surge safety. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_reservedThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an unspecified fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_floating_switchThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault in the floating switch, affecting the system’s operational safety. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_fan6_front_doorThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault with fan6 (front door), impacting thermal management. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_fan7_a_boardThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault with fan7 (A board), possibly affecting cooling efficiency. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_fan8_s_boardThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault with fan8 (S board), potentially compromising system cooling. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_inlet_under_temperatureThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects an under-temperature condition at the system inlet. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_demand_response_modeThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault in demand response mode, impacting energy efficiency. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_inlet_otpThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects an over-temperature protection (OTP) fault at the inlet. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_module_rs485The Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects a communication fault on the RS485 module. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_module_canThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a communication fault on the CAN module. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_system_spiThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a system fault in the SPI interface. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_system_sciThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a system fault in the SCI interface. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_battery_over_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects that the battery voltage exceeds safe operational limits. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_grid_code_changed_not_doneThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports an incomplete grid code change process. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_imd_check_timeoutThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a timeout during the IMD check process. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_adc_calibrationThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects an error in the ADC calibration process. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_soft_startThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault during the soft start process. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_system_restartThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault in the system restart process. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_bms_soc_highThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports that the Battery Management System (BMS) state of charge (SOC) is too high. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_system_errorThe Delta CNTE system reports a generic system error, and the system may be unavailable. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this resolved.
errordelta_cnte_inner_communciation_faultThe Delta CNTE system reports an internal communication error. The system may no longer function. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
errordelta_cnte_spd_faultThe Delta CNTE system reports fault in the surge protection device, and the system may be unavailable. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_eeprom_dataThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a fault in the EEPROM data. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_system_mode_configurationThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects an error in the system mode configuration. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errordelta_cnte_pcs_bms_soc_lowThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports that the Battery Management System (BMS) state of charge (SOC) is too low. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_bms_soc_highThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects a high state of charge (SOC) warning from the Battery Management System (BMS). Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_bms_soc_lowThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects a low state of charge (SOC) warning from the Battery Management System (BMS). Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_battery_cell_voltage_highThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects that the voltage of a battery cell is too high. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_battery_cell_voltage_lowThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects that the voltage of a battery cell is too low. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_bms_warningThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a warning with the Battery Management System (BMS). Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_battery_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects that the battery voltage is below optimal operational levels. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_battery_under_voltageThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects that the battery voltage is below optimal operational levels. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_system_monitor_rs485The Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects a warning in the RS485 system monitor. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_upgrade_downloadThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a warning during the upgrade download process. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_upgrade_boot_loadThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a warning during the upgrade boot load process. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_task_time_over_limitThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) reports a task execution time exceeding safe limits. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_pcs_memory_space_over_limitThe Delta-CNTE power conversion system (PCS) detects insufficient memory space during operation. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdelta_cnte_system_warningThe Delta CNTE system reports a generic system warning. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_single_cell_overvoltageThe Delta CNTE system reports overvoltage on a single cell. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_single_cell_undervoltageThe Delta CNTE system reports an undervoltage of a single cell. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_single_cell_overtemperatureThe Delta CNTE system reports a high temperature in a single cell. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_single_cell_low_temperatureThe Delta CNTE system reports a low temperature in a single cell. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_charge_over_currentThe Delta CNTE system reports that an excessively high current has been measured while charging the battery. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_discharge_over_currentThe Delta CNTE system reports an excessively high current has been measured while discharging the battery. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_pack_overvoltageThe Delta CNTE system reports an overvoltage warning from a battery pack. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_pack_undervoltageThe Delta CNTE system reports an undervoltage warning from a battery pack. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_cell_extreme_temperatureThe Delta CNTE system reports an exteme temperature warning in one or more of the battery cells. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_cell_extreme_voltageThe Delta CNTE system reports an extremely high or low coltage in one or more of the battery cells. Contact the OEM for further information and to have this resolved.
warningdelta_cnte_debugTestThe Delta CNTE system system is in debug test mode.
warningdelta_cnte_epoThe Delta CNTE system has been shutdown via the emergency power off switch.
warningdelta_cnte_configThe Delta CNTE system system is in configuration mode.
warningdelta_cnte_softstartOpThe Delta CNTE system is in the startup phase.
warningdelta_cnte_softstartCpThe Delta CNTE system is in the startup phase.
warningdelta_cnte_softstartDcThe Delta CNTE system is in the startup phase.


errorkonka_energy_insulation_failureThe KonkaEnergy battery reports an insulation failure. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkonka_energy_single_cell_overvoltage_failureThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a single cell overvoltage failure. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkonka_energy_single_cell_undervoltage_failureThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a single cell undervoltage failure. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningkonka_energy_unitary_voltage_imbalanceThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a unitary voltage imbalance. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkonka_energy_battery_overtemperature_faultThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a battery over-temperature fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkonka_energy_battery_undertemperature_faultThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a battery under-temperature fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningkonka_energy_temperature_imbalanceThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a temperature imbalance. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkonka_energy_clusters_total_voltage_overvoltage_faultThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a cluster total voltage overvoltage fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkonka_energy_clusters_total_voltage_undervoltage_faultThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a cluster total voltage undervoltage fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkonka_energy_clusters_current_charging_overcurrent_faultThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a cluster charging overcurrent fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkonka_energy_clusters_current_discharge_overcurrent_faultThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a cluster dischargecharge overcurrent fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkonka_energy_total_current_charge_overcurrent_faultThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a total current charge overcurrent fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkonka_energy_total_current_discharge_overcurrent_faultThe KonkaEnergy battery reports a total current discharge overcurrent fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.


errorkstar_remote_control_not_allowedThe Kstar battery reports that remote control is not allowed. Write operations will be ignored which means that scheduled setpoints will not be followed by the battery. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorkstar_errorThe Kstar battery reports a generic error alarm. This error could be related to various aspects such as hardware malfunction, software issues, communication errors, or operational anomalies. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningkstar_initialThe Kstar battery is in the initial startup phase. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningkstar_self_testThe Kstar battery reports that the system is performing a self-test. Contact the OEM if this state persists for a longer period of time to have this resolved.
warningkstar_emptyThe Kstar battery reports that the battery’s charge level has depleted to a critically low level or has reached an empty state.
warningkstar_fullThe Kstar battery reports that the battery’s charge level has depleted to a critically high level or is fully charged.
warningkstar_cutoffThe Kstar battery reports that the system has reached a predetermined cutoff point, typically regarding charge or discharge parameters. This cutoff threshold is set to prevent over-discharging or overcharging of the battery
warningkstar_hibernationThe Kstar battery reports that the system has entered a hibernation state. Hibernation typically involves reducing power consumption and placing non-essential system components into low-power modes.
warningkstar_preparationThe Kstar battery reports system is undergoing preparation for a specific operation or mode.


errorwolong_cell_voltage_upper_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell voltage upper limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_voltage_lower_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell voltage lower limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_temperature_upper_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell temperature upper limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_temperature_lower_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell temperature lower limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_soc_upper_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell SOC upper limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_soc_lower_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell SOC lower limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_soc_lower_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell SOH lower limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_charging_temperature_upper_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell charging temperature upper limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_charging_temperature_lower_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell charging temperature lower limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_discharging_temperature_upper_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell discharging temperature upper limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_discharging_temperature_lower_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell discharging temperature lower limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_pack_voltage_upper_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports pack voltage upper limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_pack_voltage_lower_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports pack voltage lower limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_group_voltage_upper_limit_cut-offThe Wolong/ATB battery reports group voltage upper limit cut-off. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_group_voltage_lower_limit_cut-offThe Wolong/ATB battery reports group voltage lower limit cut-off. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_group_charging_current_upper_limit_cut-offThe Wolong/ATB battery reports group charging current upper limit cut-off. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_group_discharging_current_upper_limit_cut-offThe Wolong/ATB battery reports group discharging current upper limit cut-off. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_group_temperature_upper_limit_cut-offThe Wolong/ATB battery reports group temperature upper limit cut-off. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_group_temperature_lower_limit_cut-offThe Wolong/ATB battery reports group temperature lower limit cut-off. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_insulation_resistance_cut-offThe Wolong/ATB battery reports insulation resistance cut-off. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_pack_voltage_difference_upper_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports pack voltage difference upper limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_group_SOC_upper_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports group SOC upper limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_group_SOC_lower_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports group SOC lower limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_power_line_temperature_upper_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports power line upper temperature limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_power_line_temperature_lower_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports power line lower temperature limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_voltage_difference_upper_limit_proetctionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell voltage difference upper limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_cell_temperature_difference_upper_limit_protectionThe Wolong/ATB battery reports cell temperature upper limit protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_parallel_cable_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports a parallel cable fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_carrier_synchronization_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports a carrier synchronization fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_inversion_synchronization_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports an inversion synchronization fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_parallel_communication_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports a parallel communication fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_AC_fuse_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports an AC fuse fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_power_supply_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports a power supply fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_leakage_current_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports a leakage current fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_dc_precharge_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports a DC precharge fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_ac_precharge_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports an AC precharge fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_dc_lightning_protection_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports a DC lightning protection fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_ac_lightning_protection_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports an AC lightning protection fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_fan_fault_1The Wolong/ATB battery reports a PCS fan fault 1 in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_fan_fault_2The Wolong/ATB battery reports a PCS fan fault 2 in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_internal_communication_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports an internal communication fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_external_communication_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports an external communication fault in PCS number N. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_N_pcs_ac_blackoutThe Wolong/ATB battery reports an AC blackout on PCS number N. To resolve this the protection device inside the battery needs to be reset.
errorwolong_pcs_total_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports total PCS fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_pcs_precharge_faultThe Wolong/ATB battery reports PCS precharge fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_initial_stateThe Wolong/ATB battery reports that it is in initial state. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorwolong_shutdown_stateThe Wolong/ATB battery reports that it is in shutdown state. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.


errorgrowatt_status_battery_disconnectedThe Growatt battery reports that the battery is disconnected. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorgrowatt_status_faultThe Growatt battery reports a fault status. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorgrowatt_status_upgradeThe Growatt battery reports an update is in progress or is required. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.


errorsolinteg_hybrid_mains_lostGrid power outage, AC switch or circuit is disconnected. 1. Check whether the mains supply is lost. 2. Check whether the AC breaker and terminal are well connected.
errorsolinteg_hybrid_phase_orderThe Solinteg system reports that the phase order of the mains connection is incorrect. Please check the phase order and contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_grid_voltage_faultInverter detects that the grid voltage exceeds the limit of selected safety set range. 1. Check whether the safety code is correct. 2. Check whether the AC cable wiring is correct. 3. Check whether the voltage increase caused by large AC cable impedance. In this case, we could replace with a thicker AC cable. 4. Extend the voltage protection limit with the permission of the Electricity Authority.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_grid_frequency_faultGrid over frequency or under frequency, the grid frequency is higher or lower than the set protection value. 1. Check whether the AC cable is correct and well connected. 2. Change to another country with a wider protection range if it’s allowed by the local electricity company.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_dci_faultInverter detects that the direct current injection value exceeds the range. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_iso_over_limitationInverter detects that the DC side’s insulation impedance to the ground is too low. 1. Check whether PV panels, cables, and connectors are waterlogged or damaged. 2. Use a megger to measure ground resistance on the DC side, and the measured value should not be less than 500 KΩ. 3. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_gfci_faultFault in the ground-fault circuit interrupter. Contact the OEM for support.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_pv_over_voltageGrid voltage is higher than expected. Reduce the number of PV panels to make sure that the open-circuit voltage of each string is lower than the inverter maximum allowed input voltage.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bus_voltage_faultThe voltage of the bus circuit is too high. 1. Check whether the input voltage exceeds the limit. 2. Restart the inverter. 3. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_inverter_over_temperatureThe inverter detects its high internal temperature. 1. Check whether the inverter installation location is well ventilated. 2. Try to turn it off for a while, and then power it back on when it cools down. 3. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_spi_faultInternal communication failure occurred. Possible causes include strong external magnetic fields. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_e2_faultInternal storage became abnormal. Possible causes include strong external magnetic fields. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_gfci_transducer_faultGround-fault circuit interrupter device became abnormal. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_ac_transducer_faultAC transducer became abnormal. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_relay_faultSelf-checking of internal relay failure occurred. Neutral & ground cable are in poor connection on AC side. 1. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage between N&PE cable on AC side. If the voltage is higher than 10V, which means the neutral or ground connection is abnormal. 2. Restart the inverter. 3. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_internal_fan_faultInverter’s internal fan failure occurred. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_external_fan_faultInverter’s external fan failure occurred. Check whether the fan is blocked by foreign objects. Clean them if necessary.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bus_hardware_faultBus hardware fault. Contact the OEM for support.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_pv_power_lowPV Power low. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_batt_voltage_faultBattery protection got triggered. 1. Check working status of battery. 2. Check if battery is alarming.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bak_voltage_faultAbnormal voltage exists on the backup side. Turn off inverter and remove the back-up connector. Use a multimeter to measure whether there is voltage existing on the back-up connector.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bus_voltage_lowerAbnormal power scheduling. Check whether the battery voltage or PV input voltage is normal.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_sys_hardware_faultHardware protection got triggered. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bak_over_powerOutput power over limitation on back-up side. Check whether the load power on back-up side exceeds the maximum output power of inverter.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_inverter_over_voltageThe load power exceeds the range of its limit of inverter in off-grid mode. 1. Check whether there is an impact load on the back-up side and whether the load power is too high. 2. Check whether back-up side is short circuit.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_inverter_over_freqThe load power exceeds the range of its limit of inverter in off-grid mode. 1. Check whether there is an impact load on the back-up side and whether the load power is too high. 2. Check whether back-up side is short circuit.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_inverter_over_currentThe load power exceeds the range of its limit of inverter in off-grid mode. 1. Check whether there is an impact load on the back-up side and whether the load power is too high. 2. Check whether back-up side is short circuit.
errorsolinteg_hybrid_bms_generic_faultGeneric fault has been reported by BMS. Check for specific error codes that might indicate more details about the fault. Contact the battery OEM if no other codes are present.
errorsolinteg_hybrid_bms_internal_com_faultCommunication failure within the BMS system. Check connections and wiring. Restart the system. If the issue persists, contact the OEM for support.
errorsolinteg_hybrid_bms_voltage_sensor_faultBMS voltage sensor reports a fault. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
errorsolinteg_hybrid_bms_temperature_sensor_faultFault detected in the temperature sensor of the BMS. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
errorsolinteg_hybrid_bms_relay_faultFault has been detected in one of the BMS relays. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
errorsolinteg_hybrid_bms_cells_damage_faultDamage detected in one or more battery cells. Contact the battery OEM for support.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_cells_low_voltageLow voltage detected in one or more battery cells. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_cells_high_voltageHigh voltage detected in one or more battery cells. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_battery_module_discharge_low_voltageLow voltage detected during battery discharge. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_battery_module_charge_over_voltageOvervoltage detected during charging. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_charge_low_temperatureCharging temperature is too low, which may hinder battery performance. Increase ambient temperature or insulate the battery environment. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_charge_high_temperatureHigh temperature detected during charging. Reduce ambient temperature or improve cooling around the charging area to prevent overheating. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_discharge_low_temperatureLow temperature detected during battery discharge. Increase ambient temperature or insulate the battery environment. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_discharge_high_temperatureHigh temperature detected during battery discharge. Reduce ambient temperature or improve cooling around the charging area to prevent overheating. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_battery_module_charge_over_currentHigh current detected during charging.Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_battery_module_discharge_over_currentHigh discharge current detected. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_battery_module_low_voltageLow voltage detected in the battery module. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_battery_module_high_voltageHigh voltage detected in the battery module. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_power_terminal_over_temperatureOver-temperature condition detected at power terminal. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_ambient_low_temperatureAmbient temperature is too low for optimal battery operation. Increase ambient temperature or insulate the battery environment. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_ambient_high_temperatureAmbient temperature is too high for optimal battery operation. Reduce ambient temperature or improve cooling around the charging area to prevent overheating. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningsolinteg_hybrid_bms_leakage_currentLeakage current detected. This may indicate potential insulation failures. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.


For C-Battery systems, the warnings and errors are categorized based on their severity and type. Contact the OEM for further information and to have these resolved.

errorc_battery_battery_reverse_connectionThe C-Battery system reports that the polarity of the battery wires may be incorrect. The system may be unavailable. Check the battery connection polarity and contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorc_battery_island_protectionThe C-Battery system reports an island protection error. The system may be unavailable for grid-connected operation. Check the grid connection and contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorc_battery_emergency_stopThe C-Battery system has been stopped due to an emergency. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningc_battery_dc_bus_overvoltageThe C-Battery system reports an overvoltage on the DC bus. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_dc_bus_undervoltageThe C-Battery system reports an undervoltage on the DC bus. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_dc_bus_overcurrentThe C-Battery system reports an overcurrent on the DC bus. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_abnormal_battery_insulationThe C-Battery system reports abnormal battery insulation. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_battery_overvoltageThe C-Battery system reports an overvoltage in the battery. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_battery_undervoltageThe C-Battery system reports an undervoltage in the battery. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_battery_overcurrentThe C-Battery system reports an overcurrent in the battery. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_on_grid_inverter_overcurrentThe C-Battery system reports an overcurrent in the on-grid inverter. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_grid_overvoltageThe C-Battery system reports an overvoltage in the grid. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_grid_undervoltageThe C-Battery system reports an undervoltage in the grid. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_grid_overfrequencyThe C-Battery system reports an overfrequency in the grid. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_grid_underfrequencyThe C-Battery system reports an underfrequency in the grid. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_independent_inverter_overvoltageThe C-Battery system reports an overvoltage in the independent inverter. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_independent_inverter_undervoltageThe C-Battery system reports an undervoltage in the independent inverter. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_module_w_faultThe C-Battery system reports a power module fault. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_module_v_faultThe C-Battery system reports a voltage module fault. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_module_u_faultThe C-Battery system reports a fault in module U. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_leakage_current_over_limit_protectionThe C-Battery system reports a leakage current over limit. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_ac_current_imbalanceThe C-Battery system reports an AC current imbalance. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_ac_voltage_imbalanceThe C-Battery system reports an AC voltage imbalance. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_independent_inverter_overcurrentThe C-Battery system reports an overcurrent in the independent inverter. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_environmental_over_temperature_protectionThe C-Battery system reports an environmental over temperature protection. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_abnormal_dc_circuit_breakerThe C-Battery system reports an abnormal DC circuit breaker. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_abnormal_dc_contactorThe C-Battery system reports an abnormal DC contactor. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_ac_contactor_abnormalThe C-Battery system reports an abnormal AC contactor. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_ac_circuit_breaker_abnormalThe C-Battery system reports an abnormal AC circuit breaker. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_abnormal_arresterThe C-Battery system reports an abnormal arrester. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_module_over_temperature_protectionThe C-Battery system reports a module over temperature protection. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_reactor_over_temperature_protectionThe C-Battery system reports a reactor over temperature protection. If the warning persists, contact the OEM for further information.
warningc_battery_forced_charge_requestThe C-Battery system reports that it must be charged within a few hours to prevent permanent damage to the system. Send a charge command via the Teleport or contact the OEM for assistance.


errorintilion_status_communication_errorThe Intilion battery reports communication error status. This signals a communication error within the system. Contact OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorintilion_status_configurationThe Intilion battery reports configuration status. The system has to be configured and commissioned. Contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_status_partial_runThe Intilion battery reports partial run status. At least one scalebloc not operating, the other scaleblocs operate normally. Check the batteryEnergyStorageSystem array to see if any fault codes are being reported by the different units.
errorintilion_status_partial_communication_errorThe Intilion battery reports partial communication error status. At least one scalebloc returns a communication error, the other scaleblocs operate normally. Check the batteryEnergyStorageSystem array to see if any fault codes are being reported by the different units.
errorintilion_status_system_alarmThe Intilion battery reports system alarm status. Check the other errors and follow the corresponding instructions. Once the issue is solved, the battery will need a reset, contact OEM to have this resolved
errorintilion_unit_status_stoppingThe Intilion Scalebloc unit reports stopping status. Contact OEM to have this resolved if this state persists for a longer period of time.
errorintilion_unit_status_alarmThe Intilion Scalebloc unit reports alarm status. Check the other errors and follow the corresponding instructions. Once the issue is solved, the battery will need a reset, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_unit_status_alarm_ac_switchThe Intilion Scalebloc unit reports alarm AC switch status. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_unit_status_alarm_emergency_stopThe Intilion Scalebloc unit reports alarm emergency stop status. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_internal_system_faultThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Internal system fault. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_cell_voltage_difference_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Cell voltage difference too high. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_battery_voltage_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Battery voltage too high. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_battery_voltage_too_lowThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Battery voltage too low. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_battery_current_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Battery current too high. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_cell_voltage_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Cell voltage too high. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_cell_voltage_too_lowThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Cell voltage too low. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_battery_temperature_too_lowThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Battery temperature too low. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_battery_temperature_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Battery temperature too high. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_humidity_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Humidity too high. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_1_bugle_and_signal_light_activatedThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Bugle and signal light activated. Keep intilion closed and contact service.
errorintilion_level_1_island_grid_could_not_be_formedThe Intilion battery reports an alarm: Island grid could not be formed. Check island grid conditions. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
warningintilion_level_2_cell_voltage_difference_highThe Intilion battery reports an error: Cell voltage difference high. Carry out SOH calibration within cell balancing.
warningintilion_level_2_soc_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an error: State of Charge (SoC) too high. Discharge intilion.
warningintilion_level_2_soc_too_lowThe Intilion battery reports an error: State of Charge (SoC) too low. Charge intilion.
warningintilion_level_2_battery_voltage_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery voltage too high. Discharge intilion.
warningintilion_level_2_battery_voltage_too_lowThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery voltage too low. Charge intilion.
warningintilion_level_2_battery_current_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery current too high. Reduce power.
warningintilion_level_2_cell_voltage_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an error: Cell voltage too high. Discharge intilion.
warningintilion_level_2_cell_voltage_too_lowThe Intilion battery reports an error: Cell voltage too low. Charge intilion.
warningintilion_level_2_battery_temperature_too_lowThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery temperature too low. Check air conditioning system.
warningintilion_level_2_battery_temperature_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery temperature too high. Check air conditioning system.
warningintilion_level_2_surge_arrestor_24v_triggeredThe Intilion battery reports an error: Surge arrestor 24V triggered. Contact OEM to have this resolved.
warningintilion_level_2_battery_temperature_difference_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery temperature difference too high. Check air conditioning system.
warningintilion_level_2_ambient_temperature_within_cabinet_too_highThe Intilion battery reports an error: Ambient temperature within cabinet too high. Check air conditioning system.
warningintilion_level_2_ambient_temperature_within_cabinet_too_lowThe Intilion battery reports an error: Ambient temperature within cabinet too low. Check air conditioning system.
errorintilion_level_2_emergency_stop_circuit_openedThe Intilion battery reports an error: Emergency stop circuit opened. Close emergency-stop circuit.
warningintilion_level_2_buffer_battery_close_to_depletionThe Intilion battery reports an error: Buffer battery close to depletion. Connect power supply.
errorintilion_level_2_power_switch_triggeredThe Intilion battery reports an error: Power switch triggered. Contact OEM to have this resolved.
warningintilion_level_2_cabinet_door_open_for_more_than_30_minutesThe Intilion battery reports an error: Cabinet door open for more than 30 minutes. Close cabinet doors.
warningintilion_level_2_power_switch_does_not_closeThe Intilion battery reports an error: Power switch does not close. Contact OEM to have this resolved.
warningintilion_level_2_buffer_battery_not_connected_to_the_upsThe Intilion battery reports an error: Buffer battery not connected to the UPS. Check buffer battery.
errorintilion_level_2_24v_of_the_ups_not_okThe Intilion battery reports an error: 24V of the UPS not okay. Check UPS.
warningintilion_level_2_high_humidityThe Intilion battery reports an error: High humidity. A reset is necessary, contact OEM to have this resolved.
errorintilion_level_2_no_communication_to_batteryThe Intilion battery reports an error: No communication to battery. Check communication cable, contact OEM.
errorintilion_level_2_no_communication_to_inverterThe Intilion battery reports an error: No communication to inverter. Check communication cable, contact OEM.
errorintilion_level_2_no_external_communicationThe Intilion battery reports an error: No external communication. Check communication cable and parameters.
errorintilion_level_2_communication_error_to_masterThe Intilion battery reports an error: Communication error to master. Check communication cable between intilion scaleblocs.
errorintilion_level_2_no_communication_to_energy_meterThe Intilion battery reports an error: No communication to energy meter. Check communication preferences at the energy meter.
errorintilion_level_2_critical_inverter_errorThe Intilion battery reports an error: Critical inverter error. Please contact OEM.
errorintilion_level_2_critical_battery_errorThe Intilion battery reports an error: Critical battery error. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_2_battery_error_temperature_out_of_rangeThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery error: temperature out of range. Please contact OEM, check air conditioning system.
warningintilion_level_2_battery_error_voltage_out_of_rangeThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery error: voltage out of range. Please contact OEM.
errorintilion_level_2_battery_error_internal_battery_communicationThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery error: internal battery communication. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_2_battery_error_current_out_of_rangeThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery error: current out of range. Please contact OEM.
errorintilion_level_2_battery_error_fuse_or_contactor_inside_bms_triggered_or_in_faultThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery error: fuse or contactor inside BMS triggered or in fault. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_2_battery_error_fan_errorThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery error: fan error. Please contact OEM.
errorintilion_level_2_battery_error_system_alarmThe Intilion battery reports an error: Battery error: system alarm. Please contact OEM.
errorintilion_level_2_inverter_1_in_errorThe Intilion battery reports an error: Inverter 1 in error. Check grid and battery voltage, please contact OEM.
errorintilion_level_2_inverter_2_in_errorThe Intilion battery reports an error: Inverter 2 in error. Check grid and battery voltage, please contact OEM.
errorintilion_level_2_inverter_3_in_errorThe Intilion battery reports an error: Inverter 3 in error. Check grid and battery voltage, please contact OEM.
errorintilion_level_2_inverter_system_in_errorThe Intilion battery reports an error: Inverter system in error. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_2_soh_calibration_has_to_be_doneThe Intilion battery reports an error: SoH calibration has to be done. Carry out SOH calibration within cell balancing.
warningintilion_level_3_high_cell_voltage_differenceThe Intilion battery reports a warning: High cell voltage difference. Carry out SOH calibration within cell balancing.
warningintilion_level_3_low_sohThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Low SoH. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_battery_temperature_difference_of_modules_is_highThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Battery temperature difference of modules is high. Check air conditioning system if this issue continues to exist.
warningintilion_level_3_ups_in_errorThe Intilion battery reports a warning: UPS in error. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_buffer_battery_not_fullThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Buffer battery not full. Contact OEM if this issue continues to exist.
warningintilion_level_3_buffer_battery_chargingThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Buffer battery charging.
warningintilion_level_3_fuse_2fc2_power_supply_triggeredThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Fuse 2FC2 power supply triggered. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_24v_dc_of_power_supply_suspiciousThe Intilion battery reports a warning: 24 V DC of power supply suspicious. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_surge_arrester_400v_triggeredThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Surge arrester 400 V triggered. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_battery_charge_unit_in_buffer_modeThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Battery charge unit in buffer mode. Connect power supply, please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_fuse_5fc1_buffer_battery_triggeredThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Fuse 5FC1 buffer battery triggered. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_fuse_2fc3_24v_dc_power_supplyThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Fuse 2FC3 24 V DC power supply. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_fuse_2fc1_supply_air_conditioning_system_triggeredThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Fuse 2FC1 supply air conditioning system triggered. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_rcd_1fc1_triggeredThe Intilion battery reports a warning: RCD 1FC1 triggered. Check socket.
warningintilion_level_3_power_supply_battery_exchange_recommendedThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Power supply battery exchange recommended. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_high_humidityThe Intilion battery reports a warning: High humidity. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_grid_plant_protection_relay_no_signalThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Grid & plant protection relay no signal. Check grid & plant protection relay.
warningintilion_level_3_cabinet_doors_openThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Cabinet doors open. Close cabinet doors.
warningintilion_level_3_pressure_sensor_within_air_conditioning_system_sends_in_errorThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Pressure sensor within air conditioning system sends in error. Check air conditioning system.
warningintilion_level_3_communication_error_batteryThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Communication error battery. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_communication_error_inverterThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Communication error inverter. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_communication_error_externalThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Communication error external. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_communication_between_master_and_one_of_the_slaves_in_errorThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Communication between master and one of the slaves in error. Check communication cable between intilion scaleblocs.
warningintilion_level_3_communication_error_energy_meterThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Communication error energy meter. Check communication preferences at the energy meter.
warningintilion_level_3_communication_problems_to_the_cloudThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Communication problems to the cloud. Check Cloud data.
warningintilion_level_3_battery_warning_temperature_out_of_rangeThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Battery warning: temperature out of range. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_battery_warning_voltage_out_of_rangeThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Battery warning: voltage out of range. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_battery_warning_internal_battery_communication_disruptedThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Battery warning: internal battery communication disrupted. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_battery_warning_current_out_of_rangeThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Battery warning: current out of range. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_battery_warning_fuse_or_dc_contactor_triggered_or_in_faultThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Battery warning: fuse or DC contactor triggered or in fault. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_battery_warning_fan_faultThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Battery warning: fan fault. Please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_inverter_1_in_warningThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Inverter 1 in warning. Check grid and battery voltage, please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_inverter_2_in_warningThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Inverter 2 in warning. Check grid and battery voltage, please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_inverter_3_in_warningThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Inverter 3 in warning. Check grid and battery voltage, please contact OEM.
warningintilion_level_3_soh_calibration_necessaryThe Intilion battery reports a warning: SoH calibration necessary. Carry out SOH calibration.
warningintilion_level_3_ambient_temperature_within_cabinet_is_highThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Ambient temperature within cabinet is high. Check air conditioning system.
warningintilion_level_3_ambient_temperature_within_cabinet_is_lowThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Ambient temperature within cabinet is low. Check air conditioning system.
warningintilion_level_3_power_switch_set_to_manualThe Intilion battery reports a warning: Power switch set to manual. Set power switch to automatic.


errorvht_battery_fault_statusThe VHT battery reports a battery fault status. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_battery_faultThe VHT battery reports that the battery has faults. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_pcs_faultThe VHT battery reports that the pcs has faults. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_main_switch_disconnectedThe VHT battery reports that the main switch is disconnected. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_battery_not_startableThe VHT battery reports that the battery is not startable. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_system_fault_tripping_(excluding_pcs_fault)The VHT battery reports that the system has fault tripping. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_module_1_faultThe VHT battery reports that the module 1 has fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_low_voltage_side_faultThe VHT battery reports that the low voltage side has fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_leakage_currentThe VHT battery reports that there is current leakage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_insulation_resistance_abnormalityThe VHT battery reports an abnormality in insulation resistance. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_thyristor_over_temperatureThe VHT battery reports thyristor over-temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_transformer_over_temperatureThe VHT battery reports transformer over-temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_power_supply_faultThe VHT battery reports power supply fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_external_epo_faultThe VHT battery reports external epo fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_ems_faultThe VHT battery reports ems fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_parallel_machine_cable_faultThe VHT battery reports parallel machine cable fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_grid_overload_faultThe VHT battery reports a grid overload fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_parallel_machine_communication_faultThe VHT battery reports parallel machine communication fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_thyristor_short_circuitThe VHT battery reports thyristor short circuit fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_thyristor_open_circuitThe VHT battery reports thyristor open circuit fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_transformer_pre_charging_faultThe VHT battery reports transformer pre-charging fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_ac_fuse_faultThe VHT battery reports transformer AC fuse fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_internal_communication_faultThe VHT battery reports internal communication fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_dc_over_currentThe VHT battery reports DC over-current. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_balance_bridge_over_currentThe VHT battery reports balance bridge over-current. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_high_dc_voltageThe VHT battery reports high DC voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_grid_over_voltageThe VHT battery reports grid over-voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_grid_under_voltageThe VHT battery reports grid under-voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_grid_over_frequencyThe VHT battery reports grid over-frequency. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_grid_under_frequencyThe VHT battery reports grid under-frequency. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_islanding_protectionThe VHT battery reports islanding protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_grid_phase_mismatchThe VHT battery reports grid phase mismatch. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_ac_power_lossThe VHT battery reports AC power loss. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_ac_wave_by_wave_current_limiting_shutdownThe VHT battery reports AC wave-by-wave current limiting shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_power_transistor_over_temperatureThe VHT battery reports power transistor over-temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_low_voltage_ride_throughThe VHT battery reports low voltage ride-through. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_high_voltage_ride_throughThe VHT battery reports high voltage ride-through. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_balance_bridge_over_temperatureThe VHT battery reports balance bridge over-temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_temperature_deratingThe VHT battery reports temperature derating. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_battery_overchargeThe VHT battery reports battery overcharge. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_battery_over_dischargeThe VHT battery reports battery over-discharge. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorover_voltage_on_the_hv_dc_busThe VHT battery reports over-voltage on the HV DC Bus. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_unbalanced_half_voltage_on_the_hv_busThe VHT battery reports unbalanced Half-Voltage on the HV Bus. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_floodingThe VHT battery reports flooding. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_fire_protection_actionThe VHT battery reports fire protection action. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_dc_relay_short_circuitThe VHT battery reports DC relay short circuit. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorvht_dc_relay_open_circuitThe VHT battery reports DC relay open circuit. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningvht_battery_fully_chargedThe VHT battery reports that the battery is fully charged.
warningvht_battery_fully_dischargedThe VHT battery reports that the battery is fully discharged.
warningvht_pcs_alarmThe VHT battery reports that the pcs has active alarm.
warningvht_system_not_chargeableThe VHT battery reports that the system is not chargeable.
warningvht_system_not_dischargeableThe VHT battery reports that the system is not dischargeable.
warningvht_abnormal_temperature_and_humidity_for_battery_storageThe VHT battery reports that the temperature or humidity is abnormal for battery storage.
warningvht_abnormal_temperature_and_humidity_for_battery_operationThe VHT battery reports that the temperature or humidity is abnormal for battery operation.
warningvht_incorrect_battery_type_configurationThe VHT battery reports that the battery type configuration is incorrect.
warningvht_abnormal_grid_current_zero_offsetThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal Grid Current Zero Offset.
warningvht_abnormal_dc_current_zero_offsetThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal DC Current Zero Offset.
warningvht_abnormal_leakage_current_zero_offsetThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal Leakage Current Zero Offset.
warningvht_2_5v_reference_abnormalityThe VHT battery reports a 2.5V Reference Abnormality.
warningvht_high_ambient_temperatureThe VHT battery reports a High Ambient Temperature.
warningvht_fan_faultThe VHT battery reports a Fan Fault.
warningvht_grid_overload_warningThe VHT battery reports a Grid Overload Warning.
warningvht_abnormal_oil_engine_startupThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal Oil Engine Startup.
warningvht_positive_busbar_over_voltageThe VHT battery reports a Positive busbar over-voltage.
warningvht_negative_busbar_over_voltageThe VHT battery reports a Negative busbar over-voltage.
warningvht_dc_total_busbar_over_voltageThe VHT battery reports a DC total busbar over-voltage.
warningvht_busbar_half_voltage_imbalanceThe VHT battery reports a Busbar half-voltage imbalance.
warningvht_dc_busbar_short_circuitThe VHT battery reports a DC busbar short circuit.
warningvht_dc_voltage_reverse_connectionThe VHT battery reports a DC voltage reverse connection.
warningvht_low_dc_voltageThe VHT battery reports a Low DC voltage.
warningvht_abnormal_insulation_impedanceThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal insulation impedance.
warningvht_low_photovoltaic_power_shutdownThe VHT battery reports a Low photovoltaic power shutdown.
warningvht_abnormal_phase_a_inverter_voltageThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal A-phase inverter voltage.
warningvht_abnormal_phase_b_inverter_voltageThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal B-phase inverter voltage.
warningvht_abnormal_phase_c_inverter_voltageThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal C-phase inverter voltage.
warningvht_abnormal_dc_component_in_phase_a_inverter_voltageThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal DC component in A-phase inverter voltage.
warningvht_abnormal_dc_component_in_phase_b_inverter_voltageThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal DC component in B-phase inverter voltage.
warningvht_abnormal_dc_component_in_phase_c_inverter_voltageThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal DC component in C-phase inverter voltage.
warningvht_phase_a_output_overload_shutdownThe VHT battery reports a A-phase output overload shutdown.
warningvht_phase_b_output_overload_shutdownThe VHT battery reports a B-phase output overload shutdown.
warningvht_phase_c_output_overload_shutdownThe VHT battery reports a C-phase output overload shutdown.
warningvht_phase_a_output_over_currentThe VHT battery reports a A-phase output over-current.
warningvht_phase_b_output_over_currentThe VHT battery reports a B-phase output over-current.
warningvht_phase_c_output_over_currentThe VHT battery reports a C-phase output over-current.
warningvht_phase_a_output_short_circuitThe VHT battery reports a A-phase output short circuit.
warningvht_phase_b_output_short_circuitThe VHT battery reports a B-phase output short circuit.
warningvht_phase_c_output_short_circuitThe VHT battery reports a C-phase output short circuit.
warningvht_inverter_phase_not_synchronizedThe VHT battery reports a Inverter phase not synchronized.
warningvht_parallel_cabling_faultThe VHT battery reports a Parallel cabling fault.
warningvht_carrier_synchronization_faultThe VHT battery reports a Carrier synchronization fault.
warningvht_inverter_synchronization_faultThe VHT battery reports a Inverter synchronization fault.
warningvht_parallel_communication_faultThe VHT battery reports a Parallel communication fault.
warningvht_power_supply_faultThe VHT battery reports a Power supply fault.
warningvht_leakage_current_faultThe VHT battery reports a Leakage current fault.
warningvht_dc_precharge_faultThe VHT battery reports a DC pre-charge fault.
warningvht_ac_precharge_faultThe VHT battery reports a AC pre-charge fault.
warningvht_ac_phase_a_relay_short_circuitThe VHT battery reports a AC A-phase relay short circuit.
warningvht_ac_phase_b_relay_short_circuitThe VHT battery reports a AC B-phase relay short circuit.
warningvht_ac_phase_c_relay_short_circuitThe VHT battery reports a AC C-phase relay short circuit.
warningvht_ac_phase_a_relay_open_circuitThe VHT battery reports a AC A-phase relay open circuit.
warningvht_ac_phase_b_relay_open_circuitThe VHT battery reports a AC B-phase relay open circuit.
warningvht_ac_phase_c_relay_open_circuitThe VHT battery reports a AC C-phase relay open circuit.
warningvht_phase_a_bridge_arm_shoot_throughThe VHT battery reports a A-phase bridge arm shoot-through.
warningvht_phase_b_bridge_arm_shoot_throughThe VHT battery reports a B-phase bridge arm shoot-through.
warningvht_phase_c_bridge_arm_shoot_throughThe VHT battery reports a C-phase bridge arm shoot-through.
warningvht_grid_current_zero_offset_abnormalityThe VHT battery reports a Grid current zero offset abnormality.
warningvht_inverter_current_zero_offset_abnormalityThe VHT battery reports a Inverter current zero offset abnormality.
warningvht_inverter_current_dc_component_zero_offset_abnormalityThe VHT battery reports a Inverter current DC component zero offset abnormality.
warningvht_dc_current_zero_offset_abnormalityThe VHT battery reports a DC current zero offset abnormality.
warningvht_balance_bridge_current_zero_offset_abnormalityThe VHT battery reports a Balance bridge current zero offset abnormality.
warningvht_leakage_current_zero_offset_abnormalityThe VHT battery reports a Leakage current zero offset abnormality.
warningvht_2_5v_reference_abnormalityThe VHT battery reports a 2.5V reference abnormality.
warningvht_phase_a_output_overloadThe VHT battery reports a A-phase output overload alarm.
warningvht_phase_b_output_overloadThe VHT battery reports a B-phase output overload alarm.
warningvht_phase_c_output_overloadThe VHT battery reports a C-phase output overload alarm.
warningvht_balance_bridge_wave_by_wave_current_limiting_alarmThe VHT battery reports a Balance bridge wave-by-wave current limiting alarm.
warningvht_high_ambient_temperatureThe VHT battery reports a High ambient temperature.
warningvht_dc_lightning_protection_faultThe VHT battery reports a DC lightning protection fault.
warningvht_ac_lightning_protection_faultThe VHT battery reports a AC lightning protection fault.
warningvht_fan_fault_1The VHT battery reports a Fan fault 1.
warningvht_fan_fault_2The VHT battery reports a Fan fault 2.
warningvht_over_voltage_on_the_positive_hv_busThe VHT battery reports a Over-voltage on the Positive HV Bus.
warningvht_over_voltage_on_the_negative_hv_busThe VHT battery reports a Over-voltage on the Negative HV Bus.
warningvht_over_current_on_the_hv_sideThe VHT battery reports a Short Circuit on the HV DC Bus.
warningvht_short_circuit_on_the_hv_dc_busThe VHT battery reports a Over-current on the HV Side.
warningvht_high_external_voltage_on_the_hv_sideThe VHT battery reports a Low External Voltage on the HV Side.
warningvht_low_external_voltage_on_the_hv_sideThe VHT battery reports a High External Voltage on the HV Side.
warningvht_gradual_current_limiting_shutdownThe VHT battery reports a Overload on the HV Side.
warningvht_overload_on_the_hv_sideThe VHT battery reports a Gradual Current Limiting Shutdown.
warningvht_external_voltage_reverse_connection_on_lv_side_1The VHT battery reports a Shutdown Due to Low Photovoltaic Power.
warningvht_shutdown_due_to_low_photovoltaic_powerThe VHT battery reports a External Voltage Reverse Connection on LV Side 1.
warningvht_high_external_voltage_on_lv_side_1The VHT battery reports a Low External Voltage on LV Side 1.
warningvht_low_external_voltage_on_lv_side_1The VHT battery reports a High External Voltage on LV Side 1.
warningvht_internal_over_voltage_on_lv_side_1The VHT battery reports a Abnormal Insulation Resistance on LV Side 1.
warningvht_abnormal_insulation_resistance_on_lv_side_1The VHT battery reports a Internal Over-voltage on LV Side 1.
warningvht_over_current_on_lv_side_1The VHT battery reports a Short Circuit on LV Side 1.
warningvht_short_circuit_on_lv_side_1The VHT battery reports a Over-current on LV Side 1.
warningvht_external_voltage_reverse_connection_on_lv_side_2The VHT battery reports a Overload on LV Side 1.
warningvht_overload_on_lv_side_1The VHT battery reports a External Voltage Reverse Connection on LV Side 2.
warningvht_high_external_voltage_on_lv_side_2The VHT battery reports a Low External Voltage on LV Side 2.
warningvht_low_external_voltage_on_lv_side_2The VHT battery reports a High External Voltage on LV Side 2.
warningvht_internal_over_voltage_on_lv_side_2The VHT battery reports a Abnormal Insulation Resistance on LV Side 2.
warningvht_abnormal_insulation_resistance_on_lv_side_2The VHT battery reports a Internal Over-voltage on LV Side 2.
warningvht_over_current_on_lv_side_2The VHT battery reports a Short Circuit on LV Side 2.
warningvht_short_circuit_on_lv_side_2The VHT battery reports a Over-current on LV Side 2.
warningvht_power_transistor_over_temperatureThe VHT battery reports a Overload on LV Side 2.
warningvht_overload_on_lv_side_2The VHT battery reports a Power Transistor Over-temperature.
warningvht_parallel_machine_cable_faultThe VHT battery reports a Power Supply Fault.
warningvht_power_supply_faultThe VHT battery reports a Parallel Machine Cable Fault.
warningvht_parallel_machine_communication_faultThe VHT battery reports a Carrier Synchronization Fault.
warningvht_carrier_synchronization_faultThe VHT battery reports a Parallel Machine Communication Fault.
warningvht_pre_charging_fault_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_2The VHT battery reports a Pre-charging fault on the low-voltage side of Circuit 1.
warningvht_pre_charging_fault_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_1The VHT battery reports a Pre-charging fault on the low-voltage side of Circuit 2.
warningvht_short_circuit_of_relay_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_1The VHT battery reports a Open circuit of relay on the low-voltage side of Circuit 1.
warningvht_open_circuit_of_relay_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_1The VHT battery reports a Short circuit of relay on the low-voltage side of Circuit 1.
warningvht_short_circuit_of_relay_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_2The VHT battery reports a Open circuit of relay on the low-voltage side of Circuit 2.
warningvht_open_circuit_of_relay_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_2The VHT battery reports a Short circuit of relay on the low-voltage side of Circuit 2.
warningvht_open_circuit_of_relay_on_the_high_voltage_sideThe VHT battery reports a Pre-charging fault on the high-voltage side.
warningvht_pre_charging_fault_on_the_high_voltage_sideThe VHT battery reports a Open circuit of relay on the high-voltage side.
warningvht_abnormal_zero_offset_of_current_on_the_high_voltage_sideThe VHT battery reports a Short circuit of relay on the high-voltage side.
warningvht_short_circuit_of_relay_on_the_high_voltage_sideThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal zero offset of current on the high-voltage side.
warningvht_abnormal_zero_offset_of_current_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_2The VHT battery reports a Abnormal zero offset of current on the low-voltage side of Circuit 1.
warningvht_abnormal_zero_offset_of_current_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_1The VHT battery reports a Abnormal zero offset of current on the low-voltage side of Circuit 2.
warningvht_abnormal_zero_offset_of_inductance_current_on_circuit_2The VHT battery reports a Abnormal zero offset of inductance current on Circuit 1.
warningvht_abnormal_zero_offset_of_inductance_current_on_circuit_1The VHT battery reports a Abnormal zero offset of inductance current on Circuit 2.
warningvht_temperature_deratingThe VHT battery reports a Abnormal 2.5V reference.
warningvht_abnormal_2_5v_referenceThe VHT battery reports a Temperature Derating.
warningvht_lv_dc_lightning_protection_faultThe VHT battery reports a HV DC Lightning Protection Fault.
warningvht_hv_dc_lightning_protection_faultThe VHT battery reports a LV DC Lightning Protection Fault.
warningvht_fan_fault_2The VHT battery reports a Fan Fault 1.
warningvht_fan_fault_1The VHT battery reports a Fan Fault 2.
warningvht_battery_over_dischargeThe VHT battery reports a Battery Over-charge.
warningvht_battery_overchargeThe VHT battery reports a Battery Over-discharge.
warningvht_lightning_protectionThe VHT battery reports a Smoke detection status.
warningvht_smoke_detectionThe VHT battery reports a Lightning protection.


errorampowr_battery_faultThe Ampowr battery reports that the battery has faults. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_battery_fault_statusThe Ampowr battery reports a battery fault status. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_pcs_faultThe Ampowr battery reports that the pcs has faults. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_main_switch_disconnectedThe Ampowr battery reports that the main switch is disconnected. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_battery_not_startableThe Ampowr battery reports that the battery is not startable. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_system_fault_tripping_(excluding_pcs_fault)The Ampowr battery reports that the system has fault tripping. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_module_1_faultThe Ampowr battery reports that the module 1 has fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_low_voltage_side_faultThe Ampowr battery reports that the low voltage side has fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_leakage_currentThe Ampowr battery reports that there is current leakage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_insulation_resistance_abnormalityThe Ampowr battery reports an abnormality in insulation resistance. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_thyristor_over_temperatureThe Ampowr battery reports thyristor over-temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_transformer_over_temperatureThe Ampowr battery reports transformer over-temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_power_supply_faultThe Ampowr battery reports power supply fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_external_epo_faultThe Ampowr battery reports external epo fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_ems_faultThe Ampowr battery reports ems fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_parallel_machine_cable_faultThe Ampowr battery reports parallel machine cable fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_parallel_machine_communication_faultThe Ampowr battery reports parallel machine communication fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_grid_overload_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a grid overload fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_thyristor_short_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports thyristor short circuit fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_thyristor_open_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports thyristor open circuit fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_transformer_pre_charging_faultThe Ampowr battery reports transformer pre-charging fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_ac_fuse_faultThe Ampowr battery reports transformer AC fuse fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_internal_communication_faultThe Ampowr battery reports internal communication fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_dc_over_currentThe Ampowr battery reports DC over-current. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_balance_bridge_over_currentThe Ampowr battery reports balance bridge over-current. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_high_dc_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports high DC voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_grid_over_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports grid over-voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_grid_under_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports grid under-voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_grid_over_frequencyThe Ampowr battery reports grid over-frequency. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_grid_under_frequencyThe Ampowr battery reports grid under-frequency. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_islanding_protectionThe Ampowr battery reports islanding protection. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_grid_phase_mismatchThe Ampowr battery reports grid phase mismatch. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_ac_power_lossThe Ampowr battery reports AC power loss. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_ac_wave_by_wave_current_limiting_shutdownThe Ampowr battery reports AC wave-by-wave current limiting shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_power_transistor_over_temperatureThe Ampowr battery reports power transistor over-temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_low_voltage_ride_throughThe Ampowr battery reports low voltage ride-through. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_high_voltage_ride_throughThe Ampowr battery reports high voltage ride-through. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_balance_bridge_over_temperatureThe Ampowr battery reports balance bridge over-temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_temperature_deratingThe Ampowr battery reports temperature derating. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_battery_overchargeThe Ampowr battery reports battery overcharge. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_battery_over_dischargeThe Ampowr battery reports battery over-discharge. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorover_voltage_on_the_hv_dc_busThe Ampowr battery reports over-voltage on the HV DC Bus. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_unbalanced_half_voltage_on_the_hv_busThe Ampowr battery reports unbalanced Half-Voltage on the HV Bus. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_floodingThe Ampowr battery reports flooding. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_fire_protection_actionThe Ampowr battery reports fire protection action. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_dc_relay_short_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports DC relay short circuit. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorampowr_dc_relay_open_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports DC relay open circuit. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningampowr_battery_fully_chargedThe Ampowr battery reports that the battery is fully charged.
warningampowr_battery_fully_dischargedThe Ampowr battery reports that the battery is fully discharged.
warningampowr_pcs_alarmThe Ampowr battery reports that the pcs has active alarm.
warningampowr_system_not_chargeableThe Ampowr battery reports that the system is not chargeable.
warningampowr_system_not_dischargeableThe Ampowr battery reports that the system is not dischargeable.
warningampowr_abnormal_temperature_and_humidity_for_battery_storageThe Ampowr battery reports that the temperature or humidity is abnormal for battery storage.
warningampowr_abnormal_temperature_and_humidity_for_battery_operationThe Ampowr battery reports that the temperature or humidity is abnormal for battery operation.
warningampowr_incorrect_battery_type_configurationThe Ampowr battery reports that the battery type configuration is incorrect.
warningampowr_abnormal_grid_current_zero_offsetThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal Grid Current Zero Offset.
warningampowr_abnormal_dc_current_zero_offsetThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal DC Current Zero Offset.
warningampowr_abnormal_leakage_current_zero_offsetThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal Leakage Current Zero Offset.
warningampowr_2_5v_reference_abnormalityThe Ampowr battery reports a 2.5V Reference Abnormality.
warningampowr_high_ambient_temperatureThe Ampowr battery reports a High Ambient Temperature.
warningampowr_fan_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Fan Fault.
warningampowr_grid_overload_warningThe Ampowr battery reports a Grid Overload Warning.
warningampowr_abnormal_oil_engine_startupThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal Oil Engine Startup.
warningampowr_positive_busbar_over_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports a Positive busbar over-voltage.
warningampowr_negative_busbar_over_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports a Negative busbar over-voltage.
warningampowr_dc_total_busbar_over_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports a DC total busbar over-voltage.
warningampowr_busbar_half_voltage_imbalanceThe Ampowr battery reports a Busbar half-voltage imbalance.
warningampowr_dc_busbar_short_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports a DC busbar short circuit.
warningampowr_dc_voltage_reverse_connectionThe Ampowr battery reports a DC voltage reverse connection.
warningampowr_low_dc_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports a Low DC voltage.
warningampowr_abnormal_insulation_impedanceThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal insulation impedance.
warningampowr_low_photovoltaic_power_shutdownThe Ampowr battery reports a Low photovoltaic power shutdown.
warningampowr_abnormal_phase_a_inverter_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal A-phase inverter voltage.
warningampowr_abnormal_phase_b_inverter_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal B-phase inverter voltage.
warningampowr_abnormal_phase_c_inverter_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal C-phase inverter voltage.
warningampowr_abnormal_dc_component_in_phase_a_inverter_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal DC component in A-phase inverter voltage.
warningampowr_abnormal_dc_component_in_phase_b_inverter_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal DC component in B-phase inverter voltage.
warningampowr_abnormal_dc_component_in_phase_c_inverter_voltageThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal DC component in C-phase inverter voltage.
warningampowr_phase_a_output_overload_shutdownThe Ampowr battery reports a A-phase output overload shutdown.
warningampowr_phase_b_output_overload_shutdownThe Ampowr battery reports a B-phase output overload shutdown.
warningampowr_phase_c_output_overload_shutdownThe Ampowr battery reports a C-phase output overload shutdown.
warningampowr_phase_a_output_over_currentThe Ampowr battery reports a A-phase output over-current.
warningampowr_phase_b_output_over_currentThe Ampowr battery reports a B-phase output over-current.
warningampowr_phase_c_output_over_currentThe Ampowr battery reports a C-phase output over-current.
warningampowr_phase_a_output_short_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports a A-phase output short circuit.
warningampowr_phase_b_output_short_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports a B-phase output short circuit.
warningampowr_phase_c_output_short_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports a C-phase output short circuit.
warningampowr_inverter_phase_not_synchronizedThe Ampowr battery reports a Inverter phase not synchronized.
warningampowr_parallel_cabling_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Parallel cabling fault.
warningampowr_carrier_synchronization_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Carrier synchronization fault.
warningampowr_inverter_synchronization_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Inverter synchronization fault.
warningampowr_parallel_communication_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Parallel communication fault.
warningampowr_power_supply_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Power supply fault.
warningampowr_leakage_current_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Leakage current fault.
warningampowr_dc_precharge_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a DC pre-charge fault.
warningampowr_ac_precharge_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a AC pre-charge fault.
warningampowr_ac_phase_a_relay_short_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports a AC A-phase relay short circuit.
warningampowr_ac_phase_b_relay_short_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports a AC B-phase relay short circuit.
warningampowr_ac_phase_c_relay_short_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports a AC C-phase relay short circuit.
warningampowr_ac_phase_a_relay_open_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports a AC A-phase relay open circuit.
warningampowr_ac_phase_b_relay_open_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports a AC B-phase relay open circuit.
warningampowr_ac_phase_c_relay_open_circuitThe Ampowr battery reports a AC C-phase relay open circuit.
warningampowr_phase_a_bridge_arm_shoot_throughThe Ampowr battery reports a A-phase bridge arm shoot-through.
warningampowr_phase_b_bridge_arm_shoot_throughThe Ampowr battery reports a B-phase bridge arm shoot-through.
warningampowr_phase_c_bridge_arm_shoot_throughThe Ampowr battery reports a C-phase bridge arm shoot-through.
warningampowr_grid_current_zero_offset_abnormalityThe Ampowr battery reports a Grid current zero offset abnormality.
warningampowr_inverter_current_zero_offset_abnormalityThe Ampowr battery reports a Inverter current zero offset abnormality.
warningampowr_inverter_current_dc_component_zero_offset_abnormalityThe Ampowr battery reports a Inverter current DC component zero offset abnormality.
warningampowr_dc_current_zero_offset_abnormalityThe Ampowr battery reports a DC current zero offset abnormality.
warningampowr_balance_bridge_current_zero_offset_abnormalityThe Ampowr battery reports a Balance bridge current zero offset abnormality.
warningampowr_leakage_current_zero_offset_abnormalityThe Ampowr battery reports a Leakage current zero offset abnormality.
warningampowr_2_5v_reference_abnormalityThe Ampowr battery reports a 2.5V reference abnormality.
warningampowr_phase_a_output_overloadThe Ampowr battery reports a A-phase output overload alarm.
warningampowr_phase_b_output_overloadThe Ampowr battery reports a B-phase output overload alarm.
warningampowr_phase_c_output_overloadThe Ampowr battery reports a C-phase output overload alarm.
warningampowr_balance_bridge_wave_by_wave_current_limiting_alarmThe Ampowr battery reports a Balance bridge wave-by-wave current limiting alarm.
warningampowr_high_ambient_temperatureThe Ampowr battery reports a High ambient temperature.
warningampowr_dc_lightning_protection_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a DC lightning protection fault.
warningampowr_ac_lightning_protection_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a AC lightning protection fault.
warningampowr_fan_fault_1The Ampowr battery reports a Fan fault 1.
warningampowr_fan_fault_2The Ampowr battery reports a Fan fault 2.
warningampowr_over_voltage_on_the_positive_hv_busThe Ampowr battery reports a Over-voltage on the Positive HV Bus.
warningampowr_over_voltage_on_the_negative_hv_busThe Ampowr battery reports a Over-voltage on the Negative HV Bus.
warningampowr_over_current_on_the_hv_sideThe Ampowr battery reports a Short Circuit on the HV DC Bus.
warningampowr_short_circuit_on_the_hv_dc_busThe Ampowr battery reports a Over-current on the HV Side.
warningampowr_high_external_voltage_on_the_hv_sideThe Ampowr battery reports a Low External Voltage on the HV Side.
warningampowr_low_external_voltage_on_the_hv_sideThe Ampowr battery reports a High External Voltage on the HV Side.
warningampowr_gradual_current_limiting_shutdownThe Ampowr battery reports a Overload on the HV Side.
warningampowr_overload_on_the_hv_sideThe Ampowr battery reports a Gradual Current Limiting Shutdown.
warningampowr_external_voltage_reverse_connection_on_lv_side_1The Ampowr battery reports a Shutdown Due to Low Photovoltaic Power.
warningampowr_shutdown_due_to_low_photovoltaic_powerThe Ampowr battery reports a External Voltage Reverse Connection on LV Side 1.
warningampowr_high_external_voltage_on_lv_side_1The Ampowr battery reports a Low External Voltage on LV Side 1.
warningampowr_low_external_voltage_on_lv_side_1The Ampowr battery reports a High External Voltage on LV Side 1.
warningampowr_internal_over_voltage_on_lv_side_1The Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal Insulation Resistance on LV Side 1.
warningampowr_abnormal_insulation_resistance_on_lv_side_1The Ampowr battery reports a Internal Over-voltage on LV Side 1.
warningampowr_over_current_on_lv_side_1The Ampowr battery reports a Short Circuit on LV Side 1.
warningampowr_short_circuit_on_lv_side_1The Ampowr battery reports a Over-current on LV Side 1.
warningampowr_external_voltage_reverse_connection_on_lv_side_2The Ampowr battery reports a Overload on LV Side 1.
warningampowr_overload_on_lv_side_1The Ampowr battery reports a External Voltage Reverse Connection on LV Side 2.
warningampowr_high_external_voltage_on_lv_side_2The Ampowr battery reports a Low External Voltage on LV Side 2.
warningampowr_low_external_voltage_on_lv_side_2The Ampowr battery reports a High External Voltage on LV Side 2.
warningampowr_internal_over_voltage_on_lv_side_2The Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal Insulation Resistance on LV Side 2.
warningampowr_abnormal_insulation_resistance_on_lv_side_2The Ampowr battery reports a Internal Over-voltage on LV Side 2.
warningampowr_over_current_on_lv_side_2The Ampowr battery reports a Short Circuit on LV Side 2.
warningampowr_short_circuit_on_lv_side_2The Ampowr battery reports a Over-current on LV Side 2.
warningampowr_power_transistor_over_temperatureThe Ampowr battery reports a Overload on LV Side 2.
warningampowr_overload_on_lv_side_2The Ampowr battery reports a Power Transistor Over-temperature.
warningampowr_parallel_machine_cable_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Power Supply Fault.
warningampowr_power_supply_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Parallel Machine Cable Fault.
warningampowr_parallel_machine_communication_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Carrier Synchronization Fault.
warningampowr_carrier_synchronization_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a Parallel Machine Communication Fault.
warningampowr_pre_charging_fault_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_2The Ampowr battery reports a Pre-charging fault on the low-voltage side of Circuit 1.
warningampowr_pre_charging_fault_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_1The Ampowr battery reports a Pre-charging fault on the low-voltage side of Circuit 2.
warningampowr_short_circuit_of_relay_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_1The Ampowr battery reports a Open circuit of relay on the low-voltage side of Circuit 1.
warningampowr_open_circuit_of_relay_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_1The Ampowr battery reports a Short circuit of relay on the low-voltage side of Circuit 1.
warningampowr_short_circuit_of_relay_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_2The Ampowr battery reports a Open circuit of relay on the low-voltage side of Circuit 2.
warningampowr_open_circuit_of_relay_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_2The Ampowr battery reports a Short circuit of relay on the low-voltage side of Circuit 2.
warningampowr_open_circuit_of_relay_on_the_high_voltage_sideThe Ampowr battery reports a Pre-charging fault on the high-voltage side.
warningampowr_pre_charging_fault_on_the_high_voltage_sideThe Ampowr battery reports a Open circuit of relay on the high-voltage side.
warningampowr_abnormal_zero_offset_of_current_on_the_high_voltage_sideThe Ampowr battery reports a Short circuit of relay on the high-voltage side.
warningampowr_short_circuit_of_relay_on_the_high_voltage_sideThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal zero offset of current on the high-voltage side.
warningampowr_abnormal_zero_offset_of_current_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_2The Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal zero offset of current on the low-voltage side of Circuit 1.
warningampowr_abnormal_zero_offset_of_current_on_the_low_voltage_side_of_circuit_1The Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal zero offset of current on the low-voltage side of Circuit 2.
warningampowr_abnormal_zero_offset_of_inductance_current_on_circuit_2The Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal zero offset of inductance current on Circuit 1.
warningampowr_abnormal_zero_offset_of_inductance_current_on_circuit_1The Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal zero offset of inductance current on Circuit 2.
warningampowr_temperature_deratingThe Ampowr battery reports a Abnormal 2.5V reference.
warningampowr_abnormal_2_5v_referenceThe Ampowr battery reports a Temperature Derating.
warningampowr_lv_dc_lightning_protection_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a HV DC Lightning Protection Fault.
warningampowr_hv_dc_lightning_protection_faultThe Ampowr battery reports a LV DC Lightning Protection Fault.
warningampowr_fan_fault_2The Ampowr battery reports a Fan Fault 1.
warningampowr_fan_fault_1The Ampowr battery reports a Fan Fault 2.
warningampowr_battery_over_dischargeThe Ampowr battery reports a Battery Over-charge.
warningampowr_battery_overchargeThe Ampowr battery reports a Battery Over-discharge.
warningampowr_lightning_protectionThe Ampowr battery reports a Smoke detection status.
warningampowr_smoke_detectionThe Ampowr battery reports a Lightning protection.


errorecube_emergency_stopThe scu-ecube battery reports an emergency stop. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorecube_spd_faultThe scu-ecube battery reports a SPD (surge protection device) fault. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
warningecube_transformer_over_tempThe scu-ecube battery reports a transformer over-temperature. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_transformer_over_temp_protectionThe scu-ecube battery reports that transformer temperature protection has been activated. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
errorecube_fault_self_lockingThe scu-ecube battery reports a fault related to self-locking. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
warningecube_derated_operationThe scu-ecube battery reports that it is operating in a derated state. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_bmu_communication_interruptedThe scu-ecube battery reports that communication with the Battery Management Unit (BMU) has been interrupted. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorecube_epo_shutdownThe scu-ecube battery reports that the Emergency Power Off (EPO) has initiated a shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorecube_discharge_contactor_fault_shutdownThe scu-ecube battery reports a fault detected in the discharge contactor, initiating shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorecube_charge_contactor_fault_shutdownThe scu-ecube battery reports a fault detected in the charge contactor, initiating shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorecube_total_voltage_abnormal_shutdownThe scu-ecube battery reports abnormal total voltage detected, initiating shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorecube_abnormal_cell_voltage_shutdownThe scu-ecube battery reports abnormal cell voltage detected, initiating shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorecube_charge_overcurrent_protection_shutdownThe scu-ecube battery reports that overcurrent protection has been triggered during charging, initiating shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorecube_discharge_overcurrent_protection_shutdownThe scu-ecube battery reports that overcurrent protection has been triggered during discharging, initiating shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
warningecube_voltage_abnormalThe scu-ecube battery reports abnormal voltage detected in the grid. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_frequency_abnormalThe scu-ecube battery reports abnormal frequency detected in the grid. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_phase_sequence_abnormalThe scu-ecube battery reports abnormal phase sequence detected in the grid. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
errorecube_low_temperature_protection_shutdownThe scu-ecube battery reports low temperature protection triggered, initiating shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorecube_over_temperature_protection_shutdownThe scu-ecube battery reports over temperature protection triggered, initiating shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
warningecube_circuit_breaker_openThe scu-ecube battery reports that the circuit breaker is open. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_discharge_prohibitedThe scu-ecube battery reports that discharge operation is prohibited. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_charging_prohibitedThe scu-ecube battery reports that charging operation is prohibited. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_over_temperature_warningThe scu-ecube battery reports that system temperature is above normal levels. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_low_temperature_warningThe scu-ecube battery reports that system temperature is below normal levels. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_total_over_voltage_warningThe scu-ecube battery reports that total system voltage is above normal levels. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_total_under_voltage_warningThe scu-ecube battery reports that total system voltage is below normal levels. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_parallel_communication_exceptionThe scu-ecube battery reports a parallel communication exception. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_parallel_address_conflictThe scu-ecube battery reports a parallel address conflict. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningecube_equalization_failedThe scu-ecube battery reports that the equalization process has failed. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.


errorjinko_stack_errorThe Jinko battery system reports an error on the Stack (aggregator) level. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorjinko_stack_powered_offThe Jinko battery system reports that the Stack (aggregator) is powered off. Turn teh system on or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningjinko_stack_alarmThe Jinko battery system reports an alarm on the Stack (aggregator) level. Contact the OEM to have this resolved
warningjinko_rapid_temperature_riseThe Jinko battery system reports a rapid temperature rise. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_pack_voltage_highThe Jinko battery system reports a high pack voltage. If the issue persists, contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_pack_voltage_lowThe Jinko battery system reports a low pack voltage. If the issue persists, contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_high_temperaturey_in_battery_compartmentThe Jinko battery system reports high temperature in the battery compartment. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_high_humidity_in_battery_compartmentThe Jinko battery system reports high humidity in the battery compartment. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_high_discharge_temperatureThe Jinko battery system reports a high discharge temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_low_discharge_temperatureThe Jinko battery system reports a low discharge temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_high_single_voltageThe Jinko battery system reports a high single voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_low_single_voltageThe Jinko battery system reports a low single voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_single_voltage_difference_largeThe Jinko battery system reports a large single voltage difference. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_low_socThe Jinko battery system reports a low state of charge. Charge the battery system or contact the OEM if the issue persists. Withthegrid can also configure state of charge limits to help solve this issue.
warningjinko_high_socThe Jinko battery system reports a high state of charge. Disharge the battery system or contact the OEM if the issue persists. Withthegrid can also configure state of charge limits to help solve this issue.
warningjinko_high_pole_temperatureThe Jinko battery system reports a high pole temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_high_charging_currentThe Jinko battery system reports a high charging current. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_high_discharge_currentThe Jinko battery system reports a high discharge current. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_large_temperature_differenceThe Jinko battery system reports a large temperature difference. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_low_insulationThe Jinko battery system reports low insulation. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_total_voltage_highThe Jinko battery system reports a high total voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_total_voltage_lowThe Jinko battery system reports a low total voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_high_charging_temperatureThe Jinko battery system reports a high charging temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_low_charging_temperatureThe Jinko battery system reports a low charging temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorjinko_large_voltage_difference_between_clustersThe Jinko battery system reports a large voltage difference between clusters. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorjinko_communication_fault_with_bcuThe Jinko battery system reports a communication fault with BCU. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorjinko_communication_fault_with_emsThe Jinko battery system reports a communication fault with EMS. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_silent_upgrade_maintenanceThe Jinko battery system reports a silent upgrade maintenance. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_display_screen_communication_failureThe Jinko battery system reports a display screen communication failure. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_insufficient_battery_clusters_in_placeThe Jinko battery system reports insufficient battery clusters in place. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_number_of_battery_clusters_exceedsThe Jinko battery system reports the number of battery clusters exceeds the limit. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorjinko_high_voltage_box_temperature_line_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a high voltage box temperature line fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_passive_balancing_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a passive balancing fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorjinko_sbcu_qf_circuit_breaker_faultThe Jinko battery system reports an SBCU QF circuit breaker fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_sbmu_hardware_faultThe Jinko battery system reports an SBMU hardware fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_voltage_sampling_line_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a voltage sampling line fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_sbmu_communication_faultThe Jinko battery system reports an SBMU communication fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_temperature_sampling_line_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a temperature sampling line fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_main_negative_relay_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a main negative relay fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_main_positive_relay_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a main positive relay fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_pre_charge_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a pre-charge fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_battery_cabinet_emergency_stopThe Jinko battery system reports a battery cabinet emergency stop. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_abnormal_current_samplingThe Jinko battery system reports abnormal current sampling. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_total_voltage_sampling_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a total voltage sampling fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_abnormal_rise_of_single_voltageThe Jinko battery system reports an abnormal rise of single voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_single_extremely_high_voltageThe Jinko battery system reports a single extremely high voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_single_extremely_low_voltageThe Jinko battery system reports a single extremely low voltage. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_temperature_extremely_highThe Jinko battery system reports an extremely high temperature. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_relay_forced_controlThe Jinko battery system reports a relay forced control. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_ac_circuit_breaker_feedbackThe Jinko battery system reports AC circuit breaker feedback. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_sense_of_smokeThe Jinko battery system reports that a smoke sensor has gone off. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_sense_of_temperatureThe Jinko battery system reports that a temperature sensor has gone off. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_tms_moderate_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a TMS moderate fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_tms_mild_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a TMS mild fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_aerosol_faultThe Jinko battery system reports an aerosol fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_flood_warningThe Jinko battery system reports a flood warning. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_door_alarmThe Jinko battery system reports a door alarm. Close the door or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorjinko_tms_serious_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a TMS serious fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_liquid_cooling_offline_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a liquid cooling offline fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_temperature_humidity_sensor_offlineThe Jinko battery system reports a temperature humidity sensor offline. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_flooding_offline_faultThe Jinko battery system reports a flooding offline fault. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningjinko_dc_circuit_breaker_feedbackThe Jinko battery system reports DC circuit breaker feedback. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.


errorsinexcel_system_fault_stateThe Sinexcel battery system has encountered a fault state. Contact the OEM to investigate the cause and resolve the issue.
errorsinexcel_fire_protection_system_faultThe fire protection system has reported a fault. Immediate action may be required to ensure safety. Contact the OEM to resolve this issue.
errorsinexcel_fire_alarmA fire alarm has been triggered. Contact the OEM immediately and follow fire safety protocols.
errorsinexcel_hardware_urgent_stopThe system has activated a hardware-based urgent stop. This may be due to a critical fault. Contact the OEM for assistance.
errorsinexcel_thermal_runaway_faultThe system has detected a thermal runaway condition. Immediate action is required to prevent further damage. Contact the OEM and follow emergency procedures.
errorsinexcel_software_emergency_stop_failureThe software emergency stop has failed to execute. This may pose a safety risk. Contact the OEM for immediate assistance.
warningsinexcel_relay_faultThe relay in the Sinexcel system has reported a fault. This may impact switching operations. Contact the OEM to diagnose and resolve the problem.
warningsinexcel_cell_voltage_acquisition_faultThe system has detected a fault in acquiring the cell voltage readings. This could lead to inaccurate battery management. Contact the OEM for further analysis and resolution.
warningsinexcel_cell_temperature_acquisition_faultThe system has detected a fault in acquiring the cell temperature data. Contact the OEM for troubleshooting and repair to ensure proper thermal management of the battery cells.
warningsinexcel_communication_state_with_emsCommunication between the Sinexcel system and the EMS (Energy Management System) is not stable. Contact the OEM to investigate and restore proper communication.
warningsinexcel_communication_state_with_pcsCommunication between the Sinexcel system and the PCS (Power Conversion System) is not stable. Contact the OEM to check and fix the connection.
warningsinexcel_bcmu_communication_faultThe system has detected a communication fault with the Battery Control and Management Unit (BCMU). Contact the OEM to resolve this communication issue.
warningsinexcel_bmu_communication_faultCommunication with the Battery Management Unit (BMU) is faulty. This could impact battery management and safety. Contact the OEM for troubleshooting.
warningsinexcel_rack_over_voltage_differenceThere is an excessive voltage difference across battery racks. This may indicate imbalance issues in the system. Contact the OEM for resolution.
warningsinexcel_main_isolating_switch_stateThe main isolating switch is in an unexpected state. Verify its operation and contact the OEM if further assistance is required.
warningsinexcel_liquid_leakage_in_containerThe system has detected liquid leakage inside the container. This poses a safety risk. Contact the OEM immediately to address the issue.
warningsinexcel_cell_over_voltageOne or more cells have exceeded their safe voltage limit. This could pose a risk of damage or fire. Contact the OEM immediately to take corrective action.
warningsinexcel_cell_low_voltageOne or more cells have fallen below the safe voltage limit. This could impact battery performance. Contact the OEM to address the issue.
warningsinexcel_voltage_difference_between_cells_too_largeThe voltage difference between individual cells is too large, indicating imbalance. Contact the OEM to investigate and rebalance the cells.
warningsinexcel_rack_total_voltage_highThe total voltage across the battery rack is too high. This could result in overcharging. Contact the OEM to correct the situation.
warningsinexcel_rack_total_voltage_lowThe total voltage across the battery rack is too low. This could impact system performance. Contact the OEM to address the issue.
warningsinexcel_cell_temperature_lowThe temperature of one or more cells is too low, which may affect performance. Contact the OEM for corrective action.
warningsinexcel_cell_temperature_highThe temperature of one or more cells is too high, increasing the risk of thermal runaway. Contact the OEM to resolve the issue immediately.
warningsinexcel_temperature_difference_between_cells_too_largeThe temperature difference between cells is too large, which may indicate thermal imbalance. Contact the OEM to investigate and resolve this issue.
warningsinexcel_charge_over_currentThe system is experiencing an over-current condition during charging. This could damage the cells or system. Contact the OEM for support.
warningsinexcel_discharge_over_currentThe system is experiencing an over-current condition during discharging. This could damage the cells or system. Contact the OEM for support.
warningsinexcel_insulation_lowThe insulation in the system has fallen below acceptable levels. This could lead to safety hazards. Contact the OEM immediately.
warningsinexcel_soc_lowThe battery State of Charge (SOC) is too low. This may affect the system’s ability to operate. Contact the OEM if this condition persists unexpectedly.
warningsinexcel_temperature_rise_fastThe temperature in the system is rising too quickly, which may indicate thermal issues. Contact the OEM immediately to prevent potential damage or failure.
warningsinexcel_pipe_leakage_faultA pipe leakage has been detected in the system, which could affect cooling or other functions. Contact the OEM to address the issue.
warningsinexcel_current_acquisition_faultThe system has detected a fault in current acquisition, which may affect the battery’s performance monitoring. Contact the OEM for further investigation and resolution.
warningsinexcel_racks_voltage_difference_faultA voltage difference between battery racks has been detected. This may indicate an imbalance. Contact the OEM for resolution.
warningsinexcel_system_faultThe Sinexcel PCS system has encountered a fault. Contact the OEM to investigate the cause and resolve the issue.
warningsinexcel_system_alarmThe system has raised an alarm indicating a potential issue. Contact the OEM to further investigate and prevent any major fault.
warningsinexcel_system_deratingThe system is running at reduced power due to derating. This is typically done to prevent overheating or other risks. Contact the OEM if this persists unexpectedly.
warningsinexcel_system_bootingThe PCS system is booting up. If the system takes too long to start or if this state is unexpected, contact the OEM for assistance.
warningsinexcel_system_failedThe PCS system has failed and is not operational. Immediate action is required. Contact the OEM to resolve the issue.


errorrefurb_system_unavailableThe battery is unavailable. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
errorrefurb_shutdownThe battery is shut down or shutting down. Contact the OEM to have this issue resolved.
warningrefurb_generic_warningThe batter reports a generic warning. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.
warningrefurb_system_balancingThe system is balancing. Contact the OEM if this issue persists.

Solax Power

warningsolax_power_remote_control_not_enabledThe battery reports that remote control is not enabled. Setpoints from the Teleport will be ignored. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorsolax_power_generic_failureThe battery reports a generic failure. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM to have this resolved.
errorsolax_power_off_gridThe battery reports a generic failure. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.


errorblauhoff_pcs_shutdownSystem reports that the power conversion system (PCS) has shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorblauhoff_meter_shutdownSystem reports that the meter has shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorblauhoff_bms_shutdownSystem reports that the battery management system (BMS) has shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errorblauhoff_air_conditioning_shutdownSystem reports that the air conditioning system has shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningblauhoff_pcs_faultGeneric power conversion system (PCS) fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningblauhoff_meter_faultGeneric meter fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningblauhoff_bms_faultGeneric battery management system (BMS) fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningblauhoff_air_conditioning_faultGeneric fault in the air conditioning system. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.


errordawnice_pcs_shutdownSystem reports that the power conversion system (PCS) has shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errordawnice_meter_shutdownSystem reports that the meter has shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errordawnice_bms_shutdownSystem reports that the battery management system (BMS) has shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
errordawnice_air_conditioning_shutdownSystem reports that the air conditioning system has shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningdawnice_pcs_faultGeneric power conversion system (PCS) fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdawnice_meter_faultGeneric meter fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdawnice_bms_faultGeneric battery management system (BMS) fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningdawnice_air_conditioning_faultGeneric fault in the air conditioning system. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.


General errors and warnings

errorsystem_status_abnormalThe system reports an abnormal status. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
warningbattery_system_status_abnormalThe battery system reports an abnormal status. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggrid_frequency_status_lowThe grid frequency is below the normal range. Check the connection or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warninggrid_frequency_status_highThe grid frequency is above the normal range. Check the connection or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warninggrid_voltage_status_lowThe grid voltage is below the normal range. Check the connection or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warninggrid_voltage_status_highThe grid voltage is above the normal range. Check the connection or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningpower_grid_phase_sequence_status_alarmThere is an alarm indicating an issue with the power grid phase sequence. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggroup1_status_cimmunication_failedCommunication with group 1 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggroup1_status_there_is_an_exceptionAn exception has occurred in group 1. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggroup2_status_cimmunication_failedCommunication with group 2 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggroup2_status_there_is_an_exceptionAn exception has occurred in group 2. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggroup3_status_cimmunication_failedCommunication with group 3 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggroup3_status_there_is_an_exceptionAn exception has occurred in group 3. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggroup4_status_cimmunication_failedCommunication with group 4 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggroup4_status_there_is_an_exceptionAn exception has occurred in group 4. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggroup5_status_cimmunication_failedCommunication with group 5 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warninggroup5_status_there_is_an_exceptionAn exception has occurred in group 5. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningmeter_status_cimmunication_failedCommunication with the meter has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.

Group errors and warnings

errorsystem_status_abnormalThe system reports an abnormal Group status. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
errorbattery_system_status_abnormalThe battery system reports an abnormal Group status. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningcabinet_1_status_abnormalCabinet 1 reports an abnormal status. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningcabinet_2_status_abnormalCabinet 2 reports an abnormal status. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningcabinet_3_status_abnormalCabinet 3 reports an abnormal status. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningcabinet_4_status_abnormalCabinet 4 reports an abnormal status. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningcabinet_5_status_abnormalCabinet 5 reports an abnormal status. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.

Group errors and warnings

warningbattery_system_status_charge_forbidden_cabinetCharging is forbidden for the battery cabinet. Immediate action is required. Contact the OEM for assistance.
warningbattery_system_status_discharge_forbidden_cabinetDischarging is forbidden for the battery cabinet. Immediate action is required. Contact the OEM for assistance.
warningbattery_system_status_alarm_cabinetThe battery cabinet is reporting an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningbattery_system_status_fault_cabinetThe battery cabinet reports a fault. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningacdc_1_status_communication_failed_cabinetCommunication with ACDC 1 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningacdc_1_status_alarm_cabinetACDC module 1 reports an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningacdc_1_status_failure_cabinetACDC module 1 reports a failure. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
warningacdc_2_status_communication_failed_cabinetCommunication with ACDC 2 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningacdc_2_status_alarm_cabinetACDC module 2 reports an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningacdc_2_status_failure_cabinetACDC module 2 reports a failure. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
warningacdc_3_status_communication_failed_cabinetCommunication with ACDC 3 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningacdc_3_status_alarm_cabinetACDC module 3 reports an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningacdc_3_status_failure_cabinetACDC module 3 reports a failure. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
warningdcdc_1_status_communication_failed_cabinetCommunication with DCDC 1 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningdcdc_1_status_alarm_cabinetDCDC module 1 reports an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningdcdc_1_status_failure_cabinetDCDC module 1 reports a failure. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
warningdcdc_2_status_communication_failed_cabinetCommunication with DCDC 2 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningdcdc_2_status_alarm_cabinetDCDC module 2 reports an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningdcdc_2_status_failure_cabinetDCDC module 2 reports a failure. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
warningdcdc_3_status_communication_failed_cabinetCommunication with DCDC 3 has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningdcdc_3_status_alarm_cabinetDCDC module 3 reports an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningdcdc_3_status_failure_cabinetDCDC module 3 reports a failure. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
warningbms_status_communication_failed_cabinetCommunication with the BMS has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningbms_status_alarm_cabinetThe BMS module reports an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningbms_status_failure_cabinetThe BMS module reports a failure. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
warningio_module_status_communication_failed_cabinetCommunication with the IO module has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningio_module_status_alarm_cabinetThe IO module reports an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningio_module_status_failure_cabinetThe IO module reports a failure. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
warningair_conditioning_module_status_communication_failed_cabinetCommunication with the AC module has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningair_conditioning_module_status_alarm_cabinetThe air conditioning module reports an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningair_conditioning_module_status_failure_cabinetThe air conditioning module reports a failure. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.
warningfire_module_status_communication_failed_cabinetCommunication with the fire module has failed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningfire_module_status_alarm_cabinetThe fire module reports an alarm. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningfire_module_status_failure_cabinetThe fire module reports a failure. Immediate attention is required. Contact the OEM for support.


erroreaton_dangerThe Eaton system reports a critical danger alarm. This indicates a serious issue that requires immediate attention. Contact the OEM or system administrator immediately to resolve this.
erroreaton_remote_control_not_allowedThe Eaton system reports that remote control is not allowed. Write operations will be ignored which means that scheduled setpoints will not be followed by the Eaton battery. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
erroreaton_pool_operating_mode_errorThe Eaton system reports that a pool operating mode is in an error state. This alarm indicates that one or more xStorage Compact units are malfunctioning. Contact the OEM or system administrator immediately to resolve this.
warningeaton_ess_alarmThe Eaton system reports an energy storage system (ESS) alarm. This warning indicates a potential issue with the ESS that should be addressed to ensure optimal operation. Contact the OEM for further investigation if this warning persists.
warningeaton_battery_alarmThe Eaton system reports a battery alarm. This warning indicates a potential issue with the battery system. Check the battery status and contact the OEM if necessary to resolve the issue.
warningeaton_pcs_alarmThe Eaton system reports a power conversion system (PCS) alarm. This warning indicates a potential problem with the PCS. Ensure the system is functioning as expected and contact the OEM for further support if this warning persists.
warningeaton_communication_alarmThe Eaton system reports a communication alarm. This indicates a potential issue with system communication. Verify the network and system connections, and contact the OEM for further assistance if needed.
erroreaton_ess_faultThe Eaton system reports an energy storage system (ESS) fault. This critical error indicates a serious problem with the ESS that could disrupt the system’s operation. Contact the OEM immediately for further information and to resolve this issue.
warningeaton_battery_faultThe Eaton system reports a battery fault. This warning indicates a potentially significant issue with the battery that requires prompt attention. Contact the OEM to ensure safe and reliable operation.
warningeaton_pcs_faultThe Eaton system reports a power conversion system (PCS) fault. This warning indicates a potentially significant issue with the PCS that may require attention. Contact the OEM for further information and support.
warningeaton_communication_faultThe Eaton system reports a communication fault. This warning indicates a significant issue with system communication that could affect functionality. Verify system connectivity and contact the OEM if the fault persists.
warningeaton_ess_warningThe Eaton system reports a general energy storage system (ESS) warning. This indicates a potential issue with the ESS that should be reviewed and addressed as needed. Contact the OEM for further clarification if the warning remains active.
warningeaton_eaton_battery_warningThe Eaton system reports a general battery warning. This indicates a potential issue with the battery system that should be addressed to ensure proper operation. Contact the OEM for support if this warning persists.


errorwattsonic_hybrid_mains_lostGrid power outage, AC switch or circuit is disconnected. 1. Check whether the mains supply is lost. 2. Check whether the AC breaker and terminal are well connected.
errorwattsonic_hybrid_phase_orderThe Wattsonic system reports that the phase order of the mains connection is incorrect. Please check the phase order and contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_grid_voltage_faultInverter detects that the grid voltage exceeds the limit of selected safety set range. 1. Check whether the safety code is correct. 2. Check whether the AC cable wiring is correct. 3. Check whether the voltage increase caused by large AC cable impedance. In this case, we could replace with a thicker AC cable. 4. Extend the voltage protection limit with the permission of the Electricity Authority.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_grid_frequency_faultGrid over frequency or under frequency, the grid frequency is higher or lower than the set protection value. 1. Check whether the AC cable is correct and well connected. 2. Change to another country with a wider protection range if it’s allowed by the local electricity company.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_dci_faultInverter detects that the direct current injection value exceeds the range. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_iso_over_limitationInverter detects that the DC side’s insulation impedance to the ground is too low. 1. Check whether PV panels, cables, and connectors are waterlogged or damaged. 2. Use a megger to measure ground resistance on the DC side, and the measured value should not be less than 500 KΩ. 3. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_gfci_faultFault in the ground-fault circuit interrupter. Contact the OEM for support.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_pv_over_voltageGrid voltage is higher than expected. Reduce the number of PV panels to make sure that the open-circuit voltage of each string is lower than the inverter maximum allowed input voltage.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bus_voltage_faultThe voltage of the bus circuit is too high. 1. Check whether the input voltage exceeds the limit. 2. Restart the inverter. 3. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_inverter_over_temperatureThe inverter detects its high internal temperature. 1. Check whether the inverter installation location is well ventilated. 2. Try to turn it off for a while, and then power it back on when it cools down. 3. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_spi_faultInternal communication failure occurred. Possible causes include strong external magnetic fields. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_e2_faultInternal storage became abnormal. Possible causes include strong external magnetic fields. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_gfci_transducer_faultGround-fault circuit interrupter device became abnormal. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_ac_transducer_faultAC transducer became abnormal. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_relay_faultSelf-checking of internal relay failure occurred. Neutral & ground cable are in poor connection on AC side. 1. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage between N&PE cable on AC side. If the voltage is higher than 10V, which means the neutral or ground connection is abnormal. 2. Restart the inverter. 3. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_internal_fan_faultInverter’s internal fan failure occurred. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_external_fan_faultInverter’s external fan failure occurred. Check whether the fan is blocked by foreign objects. Clean them if necessary.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bus_hardware_faultBus hardware fault. Contact the OEM for support.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_pv_power_lowPV Power low. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_batt_voltage_faultBattery protection got triggered. 1. Check working status of battery. 2. Check if battery is alarming.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bak_voltage_faultAbnormal voltage exists on the backup side. Turn off inverter and remove the back-up connector. Use a multimeter to measure whether there is voltage existing on the back-up connector.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bus_voltage_lowerAbnormal power scheduling. Check whether the battery voltage or PV input voltage is normal.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_sys_hardware_faultHardware protection got triggered. 1. Restart the inverter. 2. Seek help from the installer or manufacturer.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bak_over_powerOutput power over limitation on back-up side. Check whether the load power on back-up side exceeds the maximum output power of inverter.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_inverter_over_voltageThe load power exceeds the range of its limit of inverter in off-grid mode. 1. Check whether there is an impact load on the back-up side and whether the load power is too high. 2. Check whether back-up side is short circuit.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_inverter_over_freqThe load power exceeds the range of its limit of inverter in off-grid mode. 1. Check whether there is an impact load on the back-up side and whether the load power is too high. 2. Check whether back-up side is short circuit.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_inverter_over_currentThe load power exceeds the range of its limit of inverter in off-grid mode. 1. Check whether there is an impact load on the back-up side and whether the load power is too high. 2. Check whether back-up side is short circuit.
errorwattsonic_hybrid_bms_generic_faultGeneric fault has been reported by BMS. Check for specific error codes that might indicate more details about the fault. Contact the battery OEM if no other codes are present.
errorwattsonic_hybrid_bms_internal_com_faultCommunication failure within the BMS system. Check connections and wiring. Restart the system. If the issue persists, contact the OEM for support.
errorwattsonic_hybrid_bms_voltage_sensor_faultBMS voltage sensor reports a fault. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
errorwattsonic_hybrid_bms_temperature_sensor_faultFault detected in the temperature sensor of the BMS. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
errorwattsonic_hybrid_bms_relay_faultFault has been detected in one of the BMS relays. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
errorwattsonic_hybrid_bms_cells_damage_faultDamage detected in one or more battery cells. Contact the battery OEM for support.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_cells_low_voltageLow voltage detected in one or more battery cells. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_cells_high_voltageHigh voltage detected in one or more battery cells. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_battery_module_discharge_low_voltageLow voltage detected during battery discharge. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_battery_module_charge_over_voltageOvervoltage detected during charging. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_charge_low_temperatureCharging temperature is too low, which may hinder battery performance. Increase ambient temperature or insulate the battery environment. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_charge_high_temperatureHigh temperature detected during charging. Reduce ambient temperature or improve cooling around the charging area to prevent overheating. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_discharge_low_temperatureLow temperature detected during battery discharge. Increase ambient temperature or insulate the battery environment. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_discharge_high_temperatureHigh temperature detected during battery discharge. Reduce ambient temperature or improve cooling around the charging area to prevent overheating. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_battery_module_charge_over_currentHigh current detected during charging.Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_battery_module_discharge_over_currentHigh discharge current detected. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_battery_module_low_voltageLow voltage detected in the battery module. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_battery_module_high_voltageHigh voltage detected in the battery module. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_power_terminal_over_temperatureOver-temperature condition detected at power terminal. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_ambient_low_temperatureAmbient temperature is too low for optimal battery operation. Increase ambient temperature or insulate the battery environment. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_ambient_high_temperatureAmbient temperature is too high for optimal battery operation. Reduce ambient temperature or improve cooling around the charging area to prevent overheating. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.
warningwattsonic_hybrid_bms_leakage_currentLeakage current detected. This may indicate potential insulation failures. Contact the battery OEM if the issue persists.


errorrct_power_pcs_faultThe RCT Power system reports a power conversion system (PCS) fault. Contact the OEM for support if this warning persists.
errorrct_power_bms_faultThe RCT Power system reports a battery management system (BMS) fault. Contact the OEM for support if this warning persists.
warningrct_power_chiller_faultThe RCT Power system reports a chiller fault. This warning indicates a potential issue with the cooling system. Review system performance and address as needed. Contact the OEM for support if this warning persists.
errorrct_power_fire_faultThe RCT Power system reports a fire fault. Immediate action may be required to ensure safety. Contact the OEM for support if this warning persists.
warningrct_power_other_faultThe RCT Power system reports an unspecified fault. This warning suggests a potential issue that should be examined further. Contact the OEM for support if this warning persists.

Weiheng Tianwu

errorweiheng_ems_operation_state_faultThe Weiheng EMS has encountered a critical operation state fault. Immediate action is required to resolve the issue. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_system_shutdownThe EMS system has encountered a shutdown. Immediate action is required to resolve the issue and restart the system. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_ems_repeated_startup_failureThe EMS has experienced repeated startup failures. Troubleshoot the startup sequence and correct the failure. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
warningweiheng_ems_operation_state_alarmThe Weiheng EMS has triggered an operation state alarm. Investigate the system’s operation state or contact the OEM for assistance.
warningweiheng_ems_high_cpu_loadThe EMS is experiencing a high CPU load. This could lead to performance degradation or failure. Consider optimizing the system.
warningweiheng_ems_insufficient_memoryThe EMS has insufficient memory. System performance may be affected, and additional memory resources should be added.
warningweiheng_ems_insufficient_disk_spaceThe EMS has insufficient disk space. Free up space or add additional storage to prevent system errors.
warningweiheng_ems_unable_to_switch_to_hot_standbyThe EMS failed to switch to hot standby. This could result in system downtime. Investigate and resolve the issue.
warningweiheng_ems_gps_offlineThe EMS GPS system is offline. Ensure that the GPS device is properly connected and operational.
warningweiheng_ems_bms_communication_faultCommunication fault with the BMS detected. Check the connection or settings between EMS and BMS.
warningweiheng_ems_pcs_communication_faultCommunication fault with the PCS detected. Check the connection or settings between EMS and PCS.
warningweiheng_ems_ac_communication_faultCommunication fault with the Air Conditioning system detected. Verify the connection and settings between EMS and AC.
warningweiheng_ems_meter_communication_faultCommunication fault with the meter detected. Inspect wiring and settings for proper meter connection.
warningweiheng_ems_fire_control_communication_faultCommunication fault with the fire control system detected. Ensure the fire control system is operational.
warningweiheng_ems_io_communication_faultCommunication fault with I/O systems detected. Check I/O connections and settings.
warningweiheng_ems_ups_communication_faultCommunication fault with the UPS system detected. Verify UPS connection and settings to ensure proper operation.
warningweiheng_ems_water_cooler_communication_faultCommunication fault with the water cooler detected. Inspect connection and settings to restore communication.
warningweiheng_ems_dcdc_communication_faultCommunication fault with the DC-DC system detected. Check the connection and settings between EMS and DC-DC.
warningweiheng_ems_state_communication_faultEMS state communication fault detected. Review communication setup and resolve any issues.
warningweiheng_ems_gas_detection_faultFault in the gas detection system. Ensure the system is functional and there are no hazardous conditions.
warningweiheng_ems_external_emergency_stopAn external emergency stop has been triggered. Investigate the cause of the emergency stop and restore normal operations.
warningweiheng_ems_fire_control_faultA fault has occurred in the fire control system. Investigate the issue and take corrective action.
warningweiheng_ems_water_ingress_faultWater ingress detected in the EMS system. Inspect the system for leaks and address water-related issues immediately.
warningweiheng_ems_door_opening_faultFault due to door opening detected. Ensure all doors are securely closed and locked.
warningweiheng_ems_other_external_faultsOther external faults detected. Review the system for external factors that could be affecting EMS operation.
warningweiheng_ems_bms_subsystem_faultA subsystem fault has been detected in the BMS. Check the subsystem components for failure and repair as necessary.
warningweiheng_ems_pcs_subsystem_faultA subsystem fault has been detected in the PCS. Review the PCS for failures and perform necessary maintenance.
warningweiheng_ems_ac_subsystem_faultA subsystem fault has been detected in the Air Conditioning system. Inspect the AC components for malfunction and repair.
warningweiheng_ems_meter_subsystem_faultA subsystem fault has been detected in the meter. Check the meter system for any malfunction or failure.
warningweiheng_ems_fire_control_subsystem_faultA subsystem fault has been detected in the fire control system. Inspect and resolve any system issues.
warningweiheng_ems_io_subsystem_faultA subsystem fault has been detected in the I/O system. Review and repair the I/O components as needed.
warningweiheng_ems_ups_subsystem_faultA subsystem fault has been detected in the UPS. Inspect the UPS components and resolve any issues.
warningweiheng_ems_water_cooler_subsystem_faultA subsystem fault has been detected in the water cooler. Investigate the cooler system for faults and fix them.
warningweiheng_ems_dcdc_subsystem_faultA subsystem fault has been detected in the DC-DC system. Inspect the system and fix any faults.
warningweiheng_ems_state_subsystem_faultA subsystem fault has been detected in the EMS state. Investigate and resolve the state system issue.
warningweiheng_ems_off_grid_overcurrent_protectionOff-grid overcurrent protection has been triggered. Review the system for current overload conditions and mitigate.
warningweiheng_ems_boot_timeoutThe EMS system failed to boot within the expected time. Investigate the system for possible boot issues.
warningweiheng_ems_lightening_protection_faultFault in the lightning protection system detected. Ensure the protection system is operational and free of defects.
warningweiheng_bms_operation_state_alarmThe Weiheng BMS has triggered an operation state alarm. Check the BMS status and ensure the system is functioning properly.
errorweiheng_bms_operation_state_faultThe Weiheng BMS has encountered a critical fault in its operation state. Immediate troubleshooting is required to resolve the issue. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_bms_charging_prohibitedCharging is prohibited due to system constraints or failure. Immediate investigation and corrective action are needed. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_bms_discharging_prohibitedDischarging is prohibited due to system constraints or failure. Address the cause of the restriction immediately. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_bms_faultA fault has occurred in the BMS system. This could be a critical failure and requires immediate attention. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_bms_power_down_faultA fault occurred during the system’s power-down sequence. Immediate action is needed to ensure proper shutdown. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_bms_fire_equipment_faultA fire equipment fault has been detected. Immediate attention is needed to ensure safety systems are functional. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_bms_emergency_stop_button_pressedThe emergency stop button has been pressed. Investigate the cause of the emergency stop and restore operation. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_bms_emergency_stop_faultA fault has been detected with the emergency stop system. Verify the functionality of the emergency stop system. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_bms_fire_faultA fire fault has been detected in the BMS. Immediate attention is required to resolve the fire risk. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
errorweiheng_bms_main_power_loss_faultA critical power loss has occurred. Immediate action is required to restore power to the system. Contact the OEM to have this resolved if needed.
warningweiheng_bms_alarmA general alarm condition in the BMS has been triggered. Further investigation is needed to identify the cause.
warningweiheng_bms_power_on_faultA fault occurred during the system’s power-on sequence. This may affect system startup and requires troubleshooting.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_overvoltage_alarm_level_1The cell voltage has exceeded the acceptable limit. Investigate the cell and address the issue to prevent damage.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_undervoltage_alarm_level_1The cell voltage has dropped below the safe threshold. Investigate and take corrective action to prevent damage.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_overtemperature_alarm_level_1The temperature of the battery cell has exceeded the safe limit. Monitor temperature and mitigate potential overheating.
warningweiheng_bms_low_cell_temperature_alarm_level_1The battery cell is operating below the minimum temperature threshold. Check for cooling issues or environmental factors.
warningweiheng_bms_insulation_test_level_1Insulation testing has failed at level 1. Inspect the insulation and take corrective actions to restore safety.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_overvoltage_alarm_level_2The cell voltage has exceeded the threshold at level 2. Urgent corrective action required to avoid damage.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_undervoltage_alarm_level_2The cell voltage is below the acceptable level at level 2. Immediate action needed to correct voltage issues.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_overtemperature_alarm_level_2The cell temperature is too high at level 2. Immediate cooling or shutdown measures are needed.
warningweiheng_bms_low_cell_temperature_alarm_level_2The cell temperature is too low at level 2. Investigate the environmental factors or heating system issues.
warningweiheng_bms_insulation_test_level_2Insulation failure at level 2. Check the insulation and take necessary corrective actions.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_overvoltage_alarm_level_3The cell voltage is dangerously high at level 3. Immediate action needed to prevent further damage.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_undervoltage_alarm_level_3The cell voltage is dangerously low at level 3. Immediate corrective actions are required.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_overtemperature_alarm_level_3The temperature of the battery cell is critically high at level 3. Act immediately to avoid catastrophic failure.
warningweiheng_bms_low_cell_temperature_alarm_level_3The temperature is critically low at level 3. Inspect environmental conditions or heating mechanisms.
warningweiheng_bms_insulation_test_level_3Severe insulation failure detected at level 3. Take immediate corrective actions to ensure system integrity.
warningweiheng_bms_overcurrent_alarmAn overcurrent situation has been detected. Inspect the system for potential short circuits or overloads.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_voltage_difference_largeA large voltage difference between cells has been detected. Check for faulty cells or connection issues.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_temperature_difference_largeA large temperature difference between cells has been detected. Check the cooling system and cell balance.
warningweiheng_bms_system_overvoltage_alarmThe BMS system has exceeded its maximum voltage limit. Investigate voltage regulation and control systems.
warningweiheng_bms_system_undervoltage_alarmThe BMS system has dropped below its minimum voltage limit. Investigate the cause and prevent system instability.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_limit_temperature_alarmA cell has exceeded the temperature limit. Immediate cooling measures or shutdown may be necessary.
warningweiheng_bms_cell_limit_voltage_alarmA cell has exceeded its voltage limit. Corrective action is required to prevent damage.
warningweiheng_bms_main_power_loss_alarmA loss of main power has been detected. Investigate power supply issues immediately to restore system operation.
warningweiheng_bms_internal_communication_faultInternal communication fault detected in the BMS system. Inspect the system for possible cable or network issues.
warningweiheng_bms_entrance_faultA fault has occurred at the system entrance. Inspect the entrance control system for failure or malfunction.
warningweiheng_bms_emergency_exit_faultA fault has occurred with the emergency exit. Inspect and correct any issues with the exit system.
warningweiheng_bms_main_load_switch_faultA fault has been detected with the main load switch. Inspect the switch and correct any issues.
warningweiheng_bms_lightning_arrester_faultFault detected in the lightning arrester system. Check the arrester and ensure it is operational to protect from lightning strikes.
warningweiheng_bms_exhaust_fan_faultA fault has occurred in the exhaust fan system. Investigate and repair the exhaust fan to ensure proper ventilation.
warningweiheng_bms_ups_faultA fault has occurred in the UPS system. Inspect and repair the UPS system for continued operation.
warningweiheng_bms_ems_heartbeat_faultA fault has been detected in the EMS heartbeat communication. Verify connection and ensure EMS is responsive.
warningweiheng_bms_racks_numbers_of_high_voltage_power_on_faultA fault has been detected in the high-voltage power rack. Inspect and resolve any issues to ensure safety.

Shanghai Electric Gotion

warningshanghai_electric_gotion_rack_no_charge_alarmThe Shanghai Electric Gotion system reports a rack unable to charge. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningshanghai_electric_gotion_rack_no_discharge_alarmThe Shanghai Electric Gotion system reports a rack unable to discharge. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorshanghai_electric_gotion_rack_stoppedThe Shanghai Electric Gotion system reports a rack in stopped state. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.


errorpolarium_grid_formingThe Polarium battery system is running in grid forming mode. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningunspecified_errorThe Polarium battery system reports an unspecified error on a specific BESS / inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningcommunication_errorThe Polarium battery system reports a communication error on a specific BESS / inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warninginternal_communication_errorThe Polarium battery system reports an internal communication error on a specific BESS. Contact the OEM if this persists.
erroremergency_stopThe Polarium battery system reports the emergency stop has been triggered on a specific BESS / inverter. Contact the OEM to have this resolved.
warningppsThe Polarium battery system reports a PPS warning on a specific BESS. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningservice_switchThe Polarium battery system reports that the service switch has been activated on a specific BESS. Contact the OEM if the switch has not been knowingly been activated by a service engineer.
warningover_temperatureThe Polarium battery system reports an over-temperature condition on a specific BESS / inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningunder_temperatureThe Polarium battery system reports an under-temperature condition on a specific BESS. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningtemperature_imbalanceThe Polarium battery system reports a temperature imbalance on a specific BESS. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningover_current_chargeThe Polarium battery system reports an overcurrent during charge operation on a specific BESS. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningover_current_dischargeThe Polarium battery system reports an overcurrent during discharge operation on a specific BESS. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningover_voltageThe Polarium battery system reports an overvoltage condition on a specific BESS / inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningunder_voltageThe Polarium battery system reports an undervoltage condition on a specific BESS / inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningcontactor_errorThe Polarium battery system reports a contactor error detected on a specific BESS. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningconfiguration_errorThe Polarium battery system reports a configuration error on a specific BESS. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningprecharge_errorThe Polarium battery system reports a precharge error on a specific BESS. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpll_not_lockedThe Polarium battery system reports that the PLL is not locked on a specific inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningover_currentThe Polarium battery system reports an overcurrent condition on a specific inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningdesaturation_of_igbtsThe Polarium battery system reports an IGBT desaturation on a specific inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningfan_errorThe Polarium battery system reports a fan error on a specific inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningself_test_errorThe Polarium battery system reports a self-test error on a specific inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningups_errorThe Polarium battery system reports a UPS error on a specific inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningsupply_errorThe Polarium battery system reports a power supply error on a specific inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningcharge_errorThe Polarium battery system reports a charge error on a specific inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningslave_cbThe Polarium battery system reports a slave circuit breaker error on a specific inverter. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_unspecified_errorThe Polarium battery system reports an unspecified error. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_time_sync_errorThe Polarium battery system reports a time synchronization error. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_island_modeThe Polarium battery system reports that island mode has been activated. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_island_start_failedThe Polarium battery system reports that the island start operation failed. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_requested_power_not_availableThe Polarium battery system reports that requested power is not available. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_power_overprovisionedThe Polarium battery system reports that power has been overprovisioned. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_low_socThe Polarium battery system reports a low SOC. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_high_socThe Polarium battery system reports a high SOC. Contact the OEM if this persists.
errorpolarium_emergency_stopThe Polarium battery system reports an emergency stop condition in the Polarium system. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_earth_faultThe Polarium battery system reports an earth fault. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_open_doorThe Polarium battery system reports an open door. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_fire_alarmThe Polarium battery system reports that the fire alarm has been triggered. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_ems_disconnectedThe Polarium battery system reports that the EMS (Energy Management System) is disconnected. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_auxiliary_power_failureThe Polarium battery system reports that auxiliary power failure was detected. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_fuse_guard_limitedThe Polarium battery system reports that fuse guard operation is limited. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_fuse_guard_support_services_limitedThe Polarium battery system reports that fuse guard support services are limited. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_system_breaker_openThe Polarium battery system reports that the system breaker is open. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_backup_breaker_openThe Polarium battery system reports that the backup breaker is open. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_system_breaker_overcurrent_tripThe Polarium battery system reports the system breaker overcurrent trip. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_backup_breaker_overcurrent_tripThe Polarium battery system reports the backup breaker overcurrent trip. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_undervoltage_tripThe Polarium battery system reports that an undervoltage trip. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_overvoltage_tripThe Polarium battery system reports that an overvoltage trip. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_underfrequency_tripThe Polarium battery system reports that an underfrequency trip. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_overfrequency_tripThe Polarium battery system reports that an overfrequency trip. Contact the OEM if this persists.
warningpolarium_rate_of_change_of_frequency_tripThe Polarium battery system reports that a rate of change of frequency trip. Contact the OEM if this persists.


errorcet_energrid_communication_errorUnable to communicate with BMS or BMS is unable to communicate with battery strings. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcet_energrid_over_temperature_alarmBattery has exceeded maximum operating temperature. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcet_energrid_over_temperature_warningBattery is approaching maximum operating temperature.
errorcet_energrid_under_temperature_alarmBattery has exceeded minimum operating temperature. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcet_energrid_under_temperature_warningBattery is approaching minimum operating temperature.
errorcet_energrid_over_charge_current_alarmBattery maximum charge current has been exceeded. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcet_energrid_over_charge_current_warningApproaching battery maximum charge current.
errorcet_energrid_over_discharge_current_alarmBattery maximum discharge current has been exceeded. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcet_energrid_over_discharge_current_warningApproaching battery maximum discharge current.
errorcet_energrid_over_voltage_alarmBattery voltage has exceeded maximum limit. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcet_energrid_over_voltage_warningBattery voltage is approaching maximum limit.
errorcet_energrid_under_voltage_alarmBattery voltage has exceeded minimum limit. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcet_energrid_under_voltage_warningBattery voltage is approaching minimum limit.
warningcet_energrid_under_state_of_charge_min_alarmBattery state of charge has reached or exceeded the minimum SoC. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcet_energrid_under_state_of_charge_min_warningBattery state of charge is approaching SoC Min.
warningcet_energrid_over_state_of_charge_max_alarmBattery state of charge has reached or exceeded SoC Maximum limit. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcet_energrid_over_state_of_charge_max_warningBattery state of charge is approaching SoC Max.
warningcet_energrid_voltage_imbalance_warningA voltage imbalance exists between the strings in the battery bank.
warningcet_energrid_temperature_imbalance_alarmA temperature imbalance exists between the strings in the battery bank.
warningcet_energrid_temperature_imbalance_warningA temperature imbalance is developing between the strings in the battery bank.
errorcet_energrid_contactor_errorA contactor failed to open or close as requested. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcet_energrid_fan_errorOne or more battery fans have failed.
errorcet_energrid_ground_fault_errorGround fault detected.
errorcet_energrid_open_door_errorOne or more doors are open.
warningcet_energrid_current_imbalance_warningA current imbalance exists between the strings in the battery bank.
warningcet_energrid_other_battery_alarmAn alarm that is not covered in this table is occurring. Please contact OEM for more information about this alarm.
warningcet_energrid_other_battery_warningA warning that is not covered in this table is occurring. Please contact OEM for more information about this alarm.
errorcet_energrid_configuration_alarmThe battery bank has been configured incorrectly and will not operate.
warningcet_energrid_configuration_warningThe battery bank has been configured incorrectly and may not operate as expected.
errorcet_energrid_state_disconnectedBattery bank is disconnected. All contactors are open.
warningcet_energrid_state_initializingBattery bank is initializing but not ready for operating. String balancing may occur.
errorcet_energrid_state_soc_protectionBattery bank is connected but SoC is too low. Battery should be considered “offline”.
warningcet_energrid_state_suspendingBattery bank is suspending operation and will disconnect.
errorcet_energrid_state_faultThe battery has experienced a critical failure and may not be operated.


errorfox_ess_battery_off_grid_modeThe Fox ESS battery system reports that it is in off-grid mode. Verify grid-tied configuration. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.

Pixii PowerShaper

warningpixii_plant_system_state_not_definedThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the plant system state is not defined.
warningpixii_plant_system_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the plant system is operating with restrictions. Check the system.
errorpixii_plant_system_alarmThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the plant system is not operating. Check the system.
warningpixii_plant_system_disabledThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the plant system is disabled due to grid parameters.
warningpixii_plant_system_disconnectedThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the plant system is disconnected.
warningpixii_battery_alarmThe Pixii PowerShaper reports at least one toplevel battery alarm. Check the batteries. One or more batteries may be disconnected or giving an alarm.
warningpixii_converter_alarmThe Pixii PowerShaper reports at least one toplevel converter alarm. Check the converters for faults.
warningpixii_smoke_detector_alarmThe Pixii PowerShaper reports a smoke detector alarm. If consistent over 3 minutes, check the converters and batteries as soon as possible.
warningpixii_dc_earth_faultThe Pixii PowerShaper reports a fault at the earthing on the DC side
warningpixii_door_open_for_more_than_8_hoursThe Pixii PowerShaper reports the door is open for more than 8 hours.
warningpixii_cabinet_fan_speed_alarmThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that at least one cabinet has a cabinet environment fan speed alarm. If the alarm does not clear by itself after 2 - 3 minutes, then check that the fans are working.
warningpixii_emergency_switch_activation_alarmThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the emergency switch has been manually activated. Check the installation.
warningpixii_cabinet_ac_fuse_alarmThe Pixii PowerShaper reports an AC side fuse alarm.
warningpixii_over_voltage_protection_alarmThe Pixii PowerShaper reports an over-voltage protection alarm. Check and replace the SPD.
warningpixii_cabinet_heater_fuse_alarmThe Pixii PowerShaper reports an heater fuse alarm
warningpixii_battery_temperature_alarmThe Pixii PowerShaper reports a battery temperature alarm. If the alarm is not cleared by itself after a while, check the system.
warningpixii_soc_calibration_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the batteries should be calibrated.
warningpixii_soc_low_too_long_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that SoC has been low too long.
warningpixii_power_limit_derating_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper battery Has hit limitation derating due to battery voltage/SoC.
warningpixii_converter_derated_or_active_injection_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper has hit limitation derating due to one or more converters in derating or active injection.
warningpixii_converter_none_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper has hit limitation derating due to no connected OK converters because of no AC or other grid related issues. Check that the grid connection is ok if duration longer than 5 minutes.
warningpixii_grid_code_trip_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the converters have tripped because of measurements outside grid code limits. E.g. grid has high/low Vac, fac etc. The grid connected inverters will reconnect automatically when the limits are back within allowed values.
warningpixii_soc_min_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper has hit the soc min limit
warningpixii_soc_max_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper has hit the soc max limit
warningpixii_battery_current_limit_max_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper has hit limitation due to battery received limit. The cabinet(s) in question cannot charge/discharge more due to battery limitations.
warningpixii_cabinet_door_open_warningThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the cabinet door is open.
warningpixii_battery_low_voltageThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the battery voltage is below low voltage limit. If the alarm is not cleared by itself after a while, check the system.
warningpixii_battery_modules_missingThe Pixii PowerShaper reports that the communication with at least one battery module is missing. Check that the number of battery modules is correct. Check the battery communication cables.

Cubenergy (PowerCombo systems)

errorcubenergy_pcs_control_mode_not_total_controlThe Cubenergy system reports that the PCS control mode is not set to total control. Change the mode or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_rtu_control_mode_disabledThe Cubenergy system reports that the RTU control mode is disabled. Enable it or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_power_control_switch_not_set_to_emsThe Cubenergy system reports that the control switch is not set to ‘EMS’. Set it or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_total_system_faultThe Cubenergy system reports a total system fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_can_communication_offlineThe Cubenergy system reports that CAN communication is offline. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_1_qf61_dc_switch_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 1 DC switch (QF61) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_1_km61_positive_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 1 positive contactor (KM61) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_1_km61_negative_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 1 negative contactor (KM61) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_2_qf62_dc_switch_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 2 DC switch (QF62) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_2_km62_positive_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 2 positive contactor (KM62) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_2_km62_negative_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 2 negative contactor (KM62) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_3_qf63_dc_switch_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 3 DC switch (QF63) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_3_km63_positive_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 3 positive contactor (KM63) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_3_km63_negative_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 3 negative contactor (KM63) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_4_qf64_dc_switch_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 4 DC switch (QF64) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_4_km64_positive_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 4 positive contactor (KM64) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_4_km64_negative_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 4 negative contactor (KM64) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_5_qf65_dc_switch_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 5 DC switch (QF65) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_5_km65_positive_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 5 positive contactor (KM65) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_5_km65_negative_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 5 negative contactor (KM65) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_6_qf66_dc_switch_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 6 DC switch (QF66) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_6_km66_positive_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 6 positive contactor (KM66) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_6_km66_negative_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 6 negative contactor (KM66) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_7_qf67_dc_switch_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 7 DC switch (QF67) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_7_km67_positive_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 7 positive contactor (KM67) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_7_km67_negative_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 7 negative contactor (KM67) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_8_qf68_dc_switch_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 8 DC switch (QF68) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_8_km68_positive_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 8 positive contactor (KM68) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_cluster_8_km68_negative_contactor_openThe Cubenergy system reports that cluster 8 negative contactor (KM68) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_pcs_ac_switch_openedThe Cubenergy system reports that the PCS AC switch is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_pcs_faultThe Cubenergy system reports a PCS fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_pcs_dc_switch_openedThe Cubenergy system reports that the PCS DC switch is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorcubenergy_pcs_not_on_gridThe Cubenergy system reports that the PCS is not on grid. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_total_system_alarmThe Cubenergy system reports a total system alarm. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_low_energyThe Cubenergy system reports low battery energy. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_force_chargeThe Cubenergy system reports that force charge is required. Charge the battery or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_ess_integrated_fault_alarmThe Cubenergy system reports an integrated fault alarm within the ESS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_bms_integrated_fault_alarmThe Cubenergy system reports an integrated fault alarm within the BMS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_bms_communication_alarmThe Cubenergy system reports a communication alarm with the BMS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_soh_calibration_activeThe Cubenergy system reports that SOH calibration is active. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_soh_calibration_errorThe Cubenergy system reports an error during SOH calibration. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_heartbeat_interruption_alarmThe Cubenergy system reports a heartbeat interruption alarm. Contact Withthegrid support if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_pcs_alarmThe Cubenergy system reports a PCS alarm. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningcubenergy_pcs_remote_control_not_enabledThe Cubenergy system reports that PCS remote control is not enabled. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.

Ampowr (PowerCombo systems)

errorampowr_pcs_control_mode_not_total_controlThe Ampowr system reports that the PCS control mode is not set to total control. Change the mode or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_rtu_control_mode_disabledThe Ampowr system reports that the RTU control mode is disabled. Enable it or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_power_control_switch_not_set_to_emsThe Ampowr system reports that the control switch is not set to ‘EMS’. Set it or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_total_system_faultThe Ampowr system reports a total system fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_can_communication_offlineThe Ampowr system reports that CAN communication is offline. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_1_qf61_dc_switch_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 1 DC switch (QF61) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_1_km61_positive_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 1 positive contactor (KM61) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_1_km61_negative_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 1 negative contactor (KM61) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_2_qf62_dc_switch_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 2 DC switch (QF62) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_2_km62_positive_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 2 positive contactor (KM62) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_2_km62_negative_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 2 negative contactor (KM62) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_3_qf63_dc_switch_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 3 DC switch (QF63) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_3_km63_positive_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 3 positive contactor (KM63) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_3_km63_negative_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 3 negative contactor (KM63) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_4_qf64_dc_switch_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 4 DC switch (QF64) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_4_km64_positive_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 4 positive contactor (KM64) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_4_km64_negative_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 4 negative contactor (KM64) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_5_qf65_dc_switch_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 5 DC switch (QF65) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_5_km65_positive_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 5 positive contactor (KM65) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_5_km65_negative_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 5 negative contactor (KM65) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_6_qf66_dc_switch_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 6 DC switch (QF66) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_6_km66_positive_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 6 positive contactor (KM66) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_6_km66_negative_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 6 negative contactor (KM66) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_7_qf67_dc_switch_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 7 DC switch (QF67) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_7_km67_positive_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 7 positive contactor (KM67) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_7_km67_negative_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 7 negative contactor (KM67) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_8_qf68_dc_switch_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 8 DC switch (QF68) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_8_km68_positive_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 8 positive contactor (KM68) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_cluster_8_km68_negative_contactor_openThe Ampowr system reports that cluster 8 negative contactor (KM68) is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_pcs_ac_switch_openedThe Ampowr system reports that the PCS AC switch is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_pcs_faultThe Ampowr system reports a PCS fault. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_pcs_dc_switch_openedThe Ampowr system reports that the PCS DC switch is open. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
errorampowr_pcs_not_on_gridThe Ampowr system reports that the PCS is not on grid. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningampowr_total_system_alarmThe Ampowr system reports a total system alarm. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningampowr_low_energyThe Ampowr system reports low battery energy. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningampowr_force_chargeThe Ampowr system reports that force charge is required. Charge the battery or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningampowr_ess_integrated_fault_alarmThe Ampowr system reports an integrated fault alarm within the ESS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningampowr_bms_integrated_fault_alarmThe Ampowr system reports an integrated fault alarm within the BMS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningampowr_bms_communication_alarmThe Ampowr system reports a communication alarm with the BMS. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningampowr_soh_calibration_activeThe Ampowr system reports that SOH calibration is active. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningampowr_soh_calibration_errorThe Ampowr system reports an error during SOH calibration. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningampowr_heartbeat_interruption_alarmThe Ampowr system reports a heartbeat interruption alarm. Contact Withthegrid support if the issue persists.
warningampowr_pcs_alarmThe Ampowr system reports a PCS alarm. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
warningampowr_pcs_remote_control_not_enabledThe Ampowr system reports that PCS remote control is not enabled. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.