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Solar power alarm codes

Alarms are included in the forwarded message inside the alarm property. This array of strings contains a complete list of keys of alarms resulting from collecting a report, as well as the original vendor-specific numeric alarm code or (or the alarm section and the corresponding bit in case of a bitmask). For example: excessively_high_ambient_temperature_bit_6 would indicate a high temperature alarm, the details of which can be found on the 6th bit of the alarms bitmask in the documentation for this asset. The first table lists all possible generic alarm keys together with possible causes and suggested actions.

Generic alarm codes

KeyPossible Cause and Suggested Action
grid_overvoltageGrid voltage is higher than expected. Check grid connections and settings. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
grid_undervoltageGrid voltage is lower than expected. Check grid connections and settings. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
grid_overfrequencyGrid frequency is too high. Check grid connections and settings. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
grid_underfrequencyGrid frequency is lower than normal. Check grid connections and settings. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
grid_frequency_unstableThe grid frequency change rate does not comply with the local power grid standard. Check the grid connection and settings, and contact the OEM if the problem persists.
grid_power_outageLoss of grid power detected. Ensure grid connectivity and check for local outages. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
excess_leakage_currentHigher than normal leakage current detected. Inspect system insulation. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
grid_abnormalUnspecified grid abnormality. Review grid parameters and connections. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
grid_voltage_imbalanceImbalance in grid voltage levels. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
grid_connection_faultGeneric alarm about a faulty grid connection. Check the connection and settings, as well as the asset-specific manual for more information.
pv_reverse_connection_alarmReverse connection in PV system. Ensure proper wiring polarity. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
pv_abnormal_alarmGeneric PV system abnormality. Such an alarm can be caused by a voltage imbalance (due to a reverse current) in the strings connected to the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) input most commonly during power limitation. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
excessively_high_ambient_temperatureAmbient temperature too high. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
excessively_low_ambient_temperatureAmbient temperature too low. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
low_system_insulation_resistanceInsulation resistance lower than expected. Inspect for damages or wear. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
ground_faultFault detected in system grounding. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
electric_arc_faultElectrical arc detected. Contact the OEM.
reverse_connection_of_meter_or_ctReverse connection in metering or current transformer. Verify installation and contact OEM for support.
meter_communication_abnormalCommunication issue with meter. Check connections and settings. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
generic_system_faultGeneric system fault. Check the asset-specific documentation for more details. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
generic_system_alarmGeneral system alarm. Check the asset-specific documentation for more details. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
surge_protection_faultFault detected in the surge protection device. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
high_string_input_voltageString input voltage exceeding the maximum DC input voltage of the inverter was measured. Check the asset-specific manual for more information and contact the OEM for support.
low_string_input_voltageString input voltage below the minimum DC input voltage of the inverter was measured. The inverter may power down because of this. Check the asset-specific manual for more information and contact the OEM for support.
abnormal_residual_currentResidual current (leakage current from PV to ground) has been measured. Contact the OEM for support.
generic_battery_faultFault with the external battery system. Review the asset-specific documentation for more information or contact the OEM for support.
off_grid_mode_activeThe off-grid mode is active on the inverter. This may be the result of a grid fault or a setting on the inverter. Contact the OEM for support if the alarm persists.
string_over_currentExcessively high current has been measured on one or more PV strings. Contact the OEM for support.
internal_fan_abnormalThe internal fan is malfunctioning. Contact the OEM for support.
external_fan_abnormalThe external fan is malfunctioning. Contact the OEM for support.
afci_faultFault in the arc-fault circuit interrupter. Contact the OEM for support.
internal_communication_failureGeneric error relating to an internal communication failure. Refer to the asset-specific documentation for more information or contact the OEM for support.
high_dc_component_in_acHigh DC component was measured on the AC side of the inverter. Refer to the asset-specific documentation for more information or contact the OEM for support.
string_current_refluxReflux current detected on one or more strings. Refer to the asset-specific documentation for more information or contact the OEM for support.

Asset-specific errors and warnings


KeyPossible Cause and Suggested Action
sungrow_grid_confrontationActive when the inverter is set to off-grid mode, and the on-grid or off-grid output port is connected to the real grid. Contact the OEM for support.
sungrow_boost_capacitor_overvoltage_alarmThe voltage of the boost capacitor exceeds the preset alarm threshold. Contact the OEM for support if the issue persists.
sungrow_boost_capacitor_overvoltage_faultThe voltage of the boost capacitor exceeds the preset fault threshold. Contact the OEM for support.
sungrow_pv_connection_faultFault in PV connection. Inspect PV modules and connections. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
sungrow_inverter_parallel_communicationCommunication issue between two inverters in parallel. Check inter-inverter connections. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
sungrow_mppt_reverse_connectionReverse connection in MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) system. Check connections and consult OEM if needed.


KeyPossible Cause and Suggested Action
goodwe_spi_failureFailure in the Serial Peripheral Interface. Either occasional situation due to an external magnetic field, or the control board has a problem. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_eeprom_failureFailure in the EEPROM memory. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_night_sps_faultDevice exception. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_relay_check_or_bus_start_failFaulty connection of the cable between the control board and the power board, or the neutral and ground cables are not properly connected on the AC side. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_ovgr_faultEither the voltage of one or more PV strings is too low, or the control board has a problem. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_night_bus_faultContact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_vac_failCan be caused by an incorrect grid code setting, unstable grid voltage, AC cable resistance too high, or an AC cable connection problem. Check the connections and settings. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_dc_switch_failDC trip switch trip times overrun. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_slave_dsp_errorError in the slave DSP. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_pid_operation_abnormalPID system is malfunctioning or there is a system grounding fault.
goodwe_pv_short_circuit_faultShort-circuit fault detected. Contact the OEM for support.
goodwe_non_feeding_ocpExcessively high PV current detected while the system is powered off. Contact the OEM for support.
goodwe_vac_consistency_failureDifferent value between Master and Slave for grid voltage. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_fac_consistency_failureDifferent value between Master and Slave for grid frequency. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_dc_current_consistency_failDifferent value between Master and Slave for output DC current. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
goodwe_gfci_faultFault in the ground-fault circuit interrupter. Contact the OEM for support.
goodwe_hct_fail, goodwe_cpld_error, goodwe_rev_1.5v_fail, goodwe_hct_check_fail, goodwe_even_mppt_ocp, goodwe_odd_mppt_ocp, goodwe_model_identify_error, goodwe_bus_imbalanceEither occasional situation due to an external magnetic field, or the control board has a problem. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.


Alarms for SMA inverters can only be communicated if the inverters are directly connected to the Teleport, without an SMA Data Manager in between.

sma_grid_incidentThe grid frequency or voltage is out of range or unstable, or the connection is faulty. Check the asset-specific documentation for more information.
sma_dc_start_conditions_not_metFeed-in conditions not met for the utility grid. Contact the OEM for more information.
sma_bridged_strings_errorDC inputs A and B are bridged when they should not be, or are not bridged when they should be. Contact the OEM for more information and to have this resolved.
sma_version_test_failedProcessor defective, contact the OEM for more information.
sma_input_defectiveOne of the asset inputs is defective. Check the device-specific OEM manual for more detailed information, or contact the OEM to have this resolved.
sma_fault_sensor_interior_temperatureAn interior temperature sensor was found defective. Contact the OEM for support.
sma_file_not_found_or_defectiveA necessary file was not found or is defective. The inverter may or may not keep functioning. Check the device-specific OEM manual for more detailed information, or contact the OEM to have this resolved.
sma_memory_or_data_issueA memory or data issue. Check the device-specific OEM manual for more detailed information, or contact the OEM to have this resolved.
sma_offset_dc_current_sensorOffset in a DC current sensor. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
sma_control_communication_timeoutCommunication to the system control is absent. Contact Withthegrid or the OEM for more information and to have this resolved.
sma_self_test_italy_terminatedA self-test for the Italian grid was terminated. If this test was not meant to be run, contact the OEM for support.
sma_rapid_shutdownThe rapid-shutdown procedure has been initiated. Check the asset-specific documentation for more details, or contact the OEM for support.
sma_time_sync_failedNo time information could be called up from the NTP server. Ensure that the inverter has an active internet connection, or contact the OEM for support.
sma_package_error_rate_changedThe package error rate changed to OK or High. A high package rate may indicate an overloaded network or a poor connection. If the error persists, contact the OEM for support.
sma_communication_status_changedThe network communication status changed to OK, Warning, Erorr or Not connected.
sma_login_lockedAfter several incorrect login attempts, user login has been blocked for 15 minutes and Grid Guard login for 12 hours.
sma_webconnect_errorWebconnect error. Check the network connection, or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
sma_update_unsuccessfulGeneric error specifying an unsuccessful update of a software component of the inverter or a related system. Refer to the asset-specific documentation for more information or contact the OEM for support.
sma_grid_parameter_errorGeneric error about the inverter-side grid parameters. Refer to the asset-specific documentation for more information or contact the OEM for support.
sma_network_errorGeneric error relating to the network connection of the inverter or a related system. Refer to the asset-specific documentation for more information or contact the OEM for support.

Huawei inverter

huawei_inverter_abnormal_string_powerEither the string has been shaded for a long time, or deteriorates abnormally. Check whether the current of the abnormal PV string is lower than the current of other PV strings. If yes, check that the abnormal PV string is not shaded and the actual number of PV strings is the same as the configured number. If the abnormal PV string is clean and not shaded, check whether the PV string is damaged. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
huawei_inverter_output_overcurrentThe power grid voltage drops dramatically or the power grid is short-circuited. As a result, the inverter transient output current exceeds the upper threshold and therefore the inverter protection is triggered. The inverter detects its external working conditions in real time. After the fault is rectified, the inverter automatically recovers. If the alarm occurs frequently and affects the power production of the PV plant, check whether the output is short-circuited. If the fault persists, contact the OEM for support.
huawei_inverter_upgrade_failed_or_version_mismatchFailure when updating the device, or a mismatch in the version detected. Perform the upgrade again, or contact the OEM if the issue persists.
huawei_inverter_certificate_or_license_issueIssue with the certificates or licenses of the webportal or the device. Apply for a new certificate and load it to the asset. Contact the OEM for support.
huawei_inverter_faulty_monitoring_unitThe flash memory is insufficient or has bad sectors. Turn off the AC output switch and DC input switch, and then turn them on after 15 minutes. If the fault persists, replace the monitoring board or contact the OEM for support.
huawei_inverter_transient_ac_overvoltageThe asset detects that the phase voltage exceeds the transient AC overvoltage protection threshold. Check whether the voltage at the grid connection point exceeds the upper threshold. If yes, contact the local grid operator. Check whether the peak grid voltage exceeds the upper threshold. Contact the OEM for support.
huawei_inverter_peripheral_port_short_circuitShort circuit on one of the peripheral equipment ports of the inverter. Contact the OEM for support.
huawei_inverter_churn_output_overloadChurn mode (off-grid mode) is active and the active power output surpasses a set threshold, most commonly set to 110% of the nominal active power. The solution for this case is to reduce the load or to replace the asset with one which has a larger capacity. Contact the OEM for support.
huawei_inverter_built_in_pid_operation_abnormalAbnormal behaviour in the inverter PID. The DC-to-ground impedance may be low or an unrecoverable fault has occurred in the internal circuit. Turn off the AC switch and DC switch, wait for the period of time specified on the device safety warning label, and turn on the DC switch and AC switch. Check the DC-to-ground impedance. If a short circuit or inadequate insulation is found, rectify it. Contact the OEM for support if the issue persists.
huawei_inverter_high_input_string_voltage_to_groundPV string to ground voltgage exceeds the maximum value. Contact the OEM for support.
huawei_inverter_on_off_grid_controller_abnormalOn-grid or off-grid controller is malfunctioning. Either the asset fails to communicate with the Backup Box or an unrecoverable fault has occurred on a circuit inside the Backup Box. Send a shutdown command on the app. Turn off the AC output switch, DC input switch, and battery switch. Check whether the power cable and RS485 cable between the Backup Box and the asset are normal. After 5 minutes, turn on the battery switch, AC output switch, and DC input switch. Contact the OEM if the error persists.
huawei_inverter_dc_protection_unit_abnormalEither the fuse is not in position or is blown, the two relays on the breaking board are open-circuited or the contact points of the DC switches are stuck. Contact the OEM for support.
huawei_inverter_el_unit_abnormalEither an unrecoverable fault has occurred in the internal EL circuit, the temperature of the EL device is high or the EL controller cannot communicate properly. Turn off the AC switch and DC switch, wait for 5 minutes, turn on the AC switch and DC switch, and enable EL inspection. If the fault persists after the device runs for 5 minutes, contact your dealer or technical support to replace the EL unit.
huawei_inverter_active_adjustment_instruction_abnormalThe DI input is abnormal or inconsistent with the configuration. Check whether the cables are connected correctly to the DI ports. Access the configuration page for the dry contact DI active power scheduling mode and view the DI signal configuration mapping table. Contact the power grid company to check whether the configurations in the mapping table are complete and meet the requirements.
huawei_inverter_reactive_adjustment_instruction_abnormalThe DI input is abnormal or inconsistent with the configuration. Check whether the cables are connected correctly to the DI ports. Access the configuration page for the dry contact DI reactive power scheduling mode and view the DI signal configuration mapping table. Contact the power grid company to check whether the configurations in the mapping table are complete and meet the requirements.
huawei_inverter_phase_to_pe_shortageThe impedance of the output phase wire to PE is low or the output phase wire is short-circuited to PE. Check the impedance of the output phase wire to PE, locate the position with lower impedance, and rectify the fault.
huawei_inverter_optimizer_faultFault in one or more optimizers in the PV system. View the fault details on the optimizer information page or contact your dealer or technical support to replace the optimizer.
huawei_inverter_pv_string_lossThe connection to one or more PV strings was lost. Check the connections or contact the OEM for support.

Huawei Smartlogger

huawei_smartlogger_abnormal_active_scheduleIf Active Power Control Mode is set to Dry contact remote control, the four DI ports read instruction combinations not configured. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
huawei_smartlogger_abnormal_reactive_scheduleIf Reactive Power Control Mode is set to Dry contact remote control, the four DI ports read instruction combinations not configured. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
huawei_smartlogger_abnormal_cubicleThe Cubicle device has detected an exception at the grid-connection point. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
huawei_smartlogger_di_port_custom_alarmThe dry contact signal from the peripheral to the corresponding DI port on the SmartLogger is abnormal. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
huawei_smartlogger_certificate_or_license_issueOne or more certificates are invalid, expired or are set to expire soon. Review the asset-specific documentation for more details or contact the OEM for support.
huawei_smartlogger_circuit_breaker_disconnectedThe main AC circuit breaker at the grid connection point is disconnected. Check the circuit breaker and contact the OEM if the issue persists.
huawei_smartlogger_device_address_conflictThe address set on the SmartLogger conflicts with an existing access device address. Change the SmartLogger address to an unused address.
huawei_smartlogger_communication_box_24v_power_failureCommunication box 24v power failure. Contact the OEM for support.
huawei_smartlogger_certificate_or_license_issueIssue with the certificates or licenses of the webportal or the device. Contact the OEM for support.

Solax Power

solax_power_inverter_fault_modeThe inverter is in a fault mode. This mode is activated when the inverter detects an issue or fault that affects its operation. See the remaining alarms for more information. If the issue persists, contact the OEM for support.
solax_power_inverter_permanent_fault_modeThe inverter is in a permanent fault mode. The inverter encounters a fault that it cannot recover from or that persists despite attempts to rectify it. Contact the OEM for support.
solax_power_other_device_faultPower type fault, contact the OEM for support.
solax_power_grid_relay_faultRelay fault, check the connection, and restart the inverter. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_pv_conn_dir_faultPV direction fault, check if the PV +/- connections are connected correctly.
solax_power_eeprom_faultDSP EPROM fault, disconnect PV wiring and reconnect.
solax_power_ac_terminal_otpAC terminal overtemperature fault, check if the AC terminals are tightly connected and if the ambient temperature exceeds the operating range.
solax_power_internal_comms_faultInternal communication fault, restart the inverter. If the issue is unresolved by a restart, update the ARM software.
solax_power_iso_faultIsolation fault, check the connections of the inverter.
solax_power_sw_ocpIf the software overcurrent protection fault persists disconnect the PV and the grid, then reconnect.
solax_power_dc_inj_ocpIf the DCI overcurrent protection fault persists contact the OEM for support.
solax_power_grid_volt_10_min_faultGrid overvoltage for ten minutes fault, the inverter will reconnect once the voltage is in the operating range.
solax_power_bus_volt_faultDC bus voltage is out of normal operating range.
solax_power_pv_volt_faultPV voltage is out of the normal operating range.
solax_power_grid_freq_faultGrid frequency is out of range.
solax_power_grid_volt_faultGrid voltage is out of range.
solax_power_mains_lost_faultGrid lost fault, confirm connections are not loose.
solax_power_tz_protect_faultOvercurrent fault. If the issue persists, disconnect the DC switch and restart the inverter.
solax_power_spi_errSPI communication error. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sci_errSCI communication error. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_internal_comms_errInternal communication error. Check internal communication modules. If the issue persists, contact the OEM for support.
solax_power_hw_ocp_acrHardware overcurrent protection on R phase. Check wiring and contact the OEM for support if the issue persists.
solax_power_hw_ocp_acsHardware overcurrent protection on S phase. Check wiring and contact the OEM for support if the issue persists.
solax_power_hw_ocp_actHardware overcurrent protection on T phase. Check wiring and contact the OEM for support if the issue persists.
solax_power_hw_ovp_busHardware overvoltage protection on the DC bus. Check the system voltage and ensure it is within the operational range.
solax_power_hw_ocp_boost_iHardware overcurrent protection on Boost I circuit. Contact the OEM if unresolved.
solax_power_hw_ocp_boost_iiHardware overcurrent protection on Boost II circuit. Contact the OEM if unresolved.
solax_power_pv_config_set_wrongPV configuration error. Verify that PV configuration settings are correct.
solax_power_sample_consistent_faultSampling consistency error. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_unrecover_relay_faultUnrecoverable relay fault. Inspect the relay connections. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_current_sensor_faultCurrent sensor error. Check the sensors and ensure they are functioning properly. Contact the OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_unrecover_fanx_faultUnrecoverable fan error. Check the inverter fans and ensure proper cooling.
solax_power_eeprom_wr_faultEEPROM write fault. If the issue persists, contact the OEM for support.
solax_power_gfci_device_faultGround fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) device fault. Inspect the ground wiring and contact the OEM if the problem continues.
solax_power_sw_ocp_acrSoftware overcurrent protection on R phase. Disconnect the PV and the grid, then reconnect. If the issue persists, contact the OEM for support.
solax_power_sw_ocp_acsSoftware overcurrent protection on S phase. Disconnect the PV and the grid, then reconnect. If the issue persists, contact the OEM for support.
solax_power_sw_ocp_actSoftware overcurrent protection on T phase. Disconnect the PV and the grid, then reconnect. If the issue persists, contact the OEM for support.
solax_power_sw_ocp_boost_iSoftware overcurrent protection on Boost I circuit. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ocp_boost_iiSoftware overcurrent protection on Boost II circuit. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_pll_faultPhase-locked loop (PLL) fault. Check grid synchronization. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_grid_lost_faultGrid lost fault, confirm grid connections are secure. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ovp_acAC overvoltage fault. The inverter will reconnect automatically. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_uvp_acAC undervoltage fault. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ovp_acrR phase overvoltage fault. Check the grid voltage and contact the OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ovp_acsS phase overvoltage fault. Check the grid voltage and contact the OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ovp_actT phase overvoltage fault. Check the grid voltage and contact the OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_uvp_acrR phase undervoltage fault. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_uvp_acsS phase undervoltage fault. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_uvp_actT phase undervoltage fault. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ovp_busBus overvoltage protection. Check the system voltage and contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ovp_boost_iOvervoltage protection on Boost I circuit. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ovp_boost_iiOvervoltage protection on Boost II circuit. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ovp_boostOvervoltage protection on the Boost circuit. Ensure voltage is within operating range. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ofp_acAC overfrequency fault. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ufp_acAC underfrequency fault. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ofp_acrR phase overfrequency protection. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ufp_acrR phase underfrequency protection. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ofp_acsS phase overfrequency protection. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ufp_acsS phase underfrequency protection. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ofp_actT phase overfrequency protection. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ufp_actT phase underfrequency protection. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_iso_i_faultIsolation fault on Boost I circuit. Check the wiring and connections for isolation issues. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_iso_ii_faultIsolation fault on Boost II circuit. Check the wiring and connections for isolation issues. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_relay_short_faultRelay short-circuit fault. Inspect relay connections. Contact the OEM if unresolved.
solax_power_relay_open_faultRelay open fault. Check the relay connections. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ocp_dciDC current overcurrent protection. Contact the OEM if unresolved.
solax_power_sw_ocp_gfciGFCI overcurrent protection. Inspect the ground wiring and contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ocp_gfci_jump_iGFCI Jump I fault. Inspect the GFCI connections and contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ocp_gfci_jump_iiGFCI Jump II fault. Inspect the GFCI connections and contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ocp_gfci_jump_iiiGFCI Jump III fault. Inspect the GFCI connections and contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ocp_gfci_300maGFCI 300mA overcurrent protection. Check the ground wiring and ensure proper connections.
solax_power_sw_bus_unblanceBus voltage unbalance. Check the bus wiring and contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_ocp_acrmsAC RMS overcurrent protection. Disconnect and reconnect the inverter.
solax_power_sw_over_tempInverter overtemperature protection. Check if the ambient temperature is within the operational range.
solax_power_sw_iacrms_unblanceAC current unbalance. Check the grid connection and contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_fan_i_faultFan I error. Check Fan I for obstructions or failure. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_fan_ii_faultFan II error. Check Fan II for obstructions or failure. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_sw_fan_iii_faultFan III error. Check Fan III for obstructions or failure. Contact OEM if the issue persists.
solax_power_unrecover_ln_faultUnrecoverable line-neutral fault. Confirm proper connection of the neutral wire and contact the OEM for support if unresolved.
solax_power_auto_test_faultAutomatic test fault. Restart the inverter and ensure all self-checks are successfully completed. If the fault persists, contact the OEM for support.
solax_power_phase_delta_faultPhase delta fault. Check for phase imbalances or connection issues. Contact the OEM if the problem continues.
solax_power_control_loop_errControl loop error. Verify proper grid synchronization. Contact the OEM if unresolved.