CREATE TABLE ` teleport_battery_power ` (
` id ` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
` teleport_hash_id ` varchar ( 32 ) NOT NULL , -- uniquely identifies the teleport device
` asset_identifier ` varchar ( 128 ) NOT NULL , -- globally unique identifier of the asset, when available the brand and serial number of the asset
` battery_status ` varchar ( 32 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- can be "on", "off", "other" or null (see warning and errors in case of 'other')
` energy_charged ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in Wh, nonnegative
` energy_discharged ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in Wh, nonnegative
` frequency ` decimal ( 7 , 2 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in Hz, nonnegative
` active_power ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, positive means discharging, negative charging
` reactive_power ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in var, positive is injecting reactive power to the grid and negative is absorbing reactive power
` state_of_charge ` decimal ( 7 , 4 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in %, nonnegative
` state_of_health ` decimal ( 7 , 4 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in %, nonnegative
` available_energy ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in Wh, nonnegative
` rated_energy ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in Wh, nonnegative
` available_active_power_charge ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, nonnegative
` available_active_power_discharge ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, nonnegative
` available_reactive_power_inject ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in var, nonnegative
` available_reactive_power_absorb ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in var, nonnegative
` active_power_setpoint_dispatch_power ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, positive means discharging, negative charging
` active_power_setpoint_deliver_fcr ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, positive means discharging, negative charging
` active_power_setpoint_charge_to_state ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, positive means discharging, negative charging
` active_power_setpoint_aggregate ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, positive means discharging, negative charging
` three_phase_connection_type_high_voltage ` varchar ( 32 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- can be "wye" or "delta"
` ac_voltage_medium_voltage_phase_l1 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_voltage_medium_voltage_phase_l2 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_voltage_medium_voltage_phase_l3 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_voltage_medium_voltage_line_l1 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_voltage_medium_voltage_line_l2 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_voltage_medium_voltage_line_l3 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_current_medium_voltage_phase_l1 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` ac_current_medium_voltage_phase_l2 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` ac_current_medium_voltage_phase_l3 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` ac_current_medium_voltage_line_l1 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` ac_current_medium_voltage_line_l2 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` ac_current_medium_voltage_line_l3 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` auxiliary_power_active ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, can be null. Negative means consuming, positive generating, will be negative or 0
` auxiliary_power_reactive ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in Var, can be null. Negative means consuming, positive generating, will be negative or 0
` configuration_dispatch_power_active_power ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, positive means discharging, negative charging. When dispatchPower is null but the battery system does not support stand-by mode, the Teleport will send a schedule with 0 W to the asset, while the reported dispatchPower is null.
` configuration_deliver_fcr_max_rate ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, nonnegative
` configuration_charge_to_state_percentage ` decimal ( 7 , 4 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in %, nonnegative
` warnings ` JSON DEFAULT NULL , -- if not null, will contain a JSON aray of string elements. see error codes section
` errors ` JSON DEFAULT NULL , -- if not null, will contain a JSON array of string elements. see error codes section
` schedule_complete_until ` datetime DEFAULT NULL , -- first gap in the schedule for this asset_identifier
` scheduled ` tinyint ( 1 ) NOT NULL , -- false for measurements that are not part of the regular reporting interval, eg. directly after command execution and at Teleport initialisation
` measured_at ` datetime NOT NULL , -- when read-out started
` created_at ` datetime NOT NULL , -- when written to the table
KEY ` teleport ` ( ` teleport_hash_id ` , ` created_at ` ),
UNIQUE KEY ` teleport_asset ` ( ` teleport_hash_id ` , ` asset_identifier ` , ` measured_at ` )
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE= utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT = ' {"version":4} ' ;
CREATE TABLE ` teleport_battery_power_bess ` (
` id ` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
` teleport_hash_id ` varchar ( 32 ) NOT NULL , -- uniquely identifies the teleport device
` asset_identifier ` varchar ( 128 ) NOT NULL , -- globally unique identifier of the asset, when available the brand and serial number of the asset
` bess_identifier ` varchar ( 128 ) NOT NULL ,
` cell_temperature_min ` decimal ( 6 , 2 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in ºC, min value of all cells
` cell_temperature_max ` decimal ( 6 , 2 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in ºC, max value of all cells
` room_temperature ` decimal ( 6 , 2 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in ºC, max value of all cells
` state_of_charge ` decimal ( 7 , 4 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in %, nonnegative
` available_energy ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in Wh, nonnegative
` available_active_power_charge ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, nonnegative
` available_active_power_discharge ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, nonnegative
` three_phase_connection_type_low_voltage ` varchar ( 32 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- can be "wye" or "delta"
` ac_voltage_low_voltage_phase_l1 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_voltage_low_voltage_phase_l2 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_voltage_low_voltage_phase_l3 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_voltage_low_voltage_line_l1 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_voltage_low_voltage_line_l2 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_voltage_low_voltage_line_l3 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` ac_current_low_voltage_phase_l1 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` ac_current_low_voltage_phase_l2 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` ac_current_low_voltage_phase_l3 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` ac_current_low_voltage_line_l1 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` ac_current_low_voltage_line_l2 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` ac_current_low_voltage_line_l3 ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` warnings ` JSON DEFAULT NULL , -- if not null, will contain a JSON aray of string elements. see error codes section
` errors ` JSON DEFAULT NULL , -- if not null, will contain a JSON array of string elements. see error codes section
` scheduled ` tinyint ( 1 ) NOT NULL , -- false for measurements that are not part of the regular reporting interval, eg. directly after command execution and at Teleport initialisation
` measured_at ` datetime NOT NULL , -- when read-out started
` created_at ` datetime NOT NULL , -- when written to the table
KEY ` bess ` ( ` bess_identifier ` , ` created_at ` ),
KEY ` teleport ` ( ` teleport_hash_id ` , ` asset_identifier ` , ` created_at ` ),
UNIQUE KEY ` teleport_asset ` ( ` teleport_hash_id ` , ` asset_identifier ` , ` bess_identifier ` , ` measured_at ` )
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE= utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT = ' {"version":4} ' ;
CREATE TABLE ` teleport_battery_power_bess_rack ` (
` id ` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
` teleport_hash_id ` varchar ( 32 ) NOT NULL , -- uniquely identifies the teleport device
` asset_identifier ` varchar ( 128 ) NOT NULL , -- globally unique identifier of the asset, when available the brand and serial number of the asset
` bess_identifier ` varchar ( 128 ) NOT NULL ,
` rack_identifier ` varchar ( 128 ) NOT NULL ,
` rack_status ` varchar ( 32 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- can be "on", "off", "other" or null (see warning and errors in case of 'other')
` state_of_charge ` decimal ( 7 , 4 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in %, nonnegative, can be null
` dc_voltage ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, nonnegative
` dc_current ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in A, delivering to the grid is a positive value
` cell_temperature_min ` decimal ( 6 , 2 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in ºC, can be null, min value of all cells in the rack
` cell_temperature_cell_id_min ` int unsigned DEFAULT NULL , -- can be null, numeric ID of the cell with the lowest temperature in the rack
` cell_temperature_max ` decimal ( 6 , 2 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in ºC, can be null, max value of all cells in the rack,
` cell_temperature_cell_id_max ` int unsigned DEFAULT NULL , -- can be null, numeric ID of the cell with the highest temperature in the rack
` cell_voltage_min ` decimal ( 6 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, can be null, min value of all cells in the rack
` cell_voltage_cell_id_min ` int unsigned DEFAULT NULL , -- can be null, numeric ID of the cell with the lowest voltage in the rack
` cell_voltage_max ` decimal ( 6 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, can be null, max value of all cells in the rack
` cell_voltage_cell_id_max ` int unsigned DEFAULT NULL , -- can be null, numeric ID of the cell with the highest voltage in the rack
` cell_voltage_average ` decimal ( 6 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in V, can be null, average value of all cells in the rack
` scheduled ` tinyint ( 1 ) NOT NULL , -- false for measurements that are not part of the regular reporting interval, eg. directly after command execution and at Teleport initialisation
` measured_at ` datetime NOT NULL , -- when read-out started
` created_at ` datetime NOT NULL , -- when written to the table
KEY ` bess ` ( ` bess_identifier ` , ` created_at ` ),
KEY ` bess_rack ` ( ` rack_identifier ` , ` created_at ` ),
KEY ` teleport ` ( ` teleport_hash_id ` , ` asset_identifier ` , ` created_at ` ),
UNIQUE KEY ` teleport_asset ` ( ` teleport_hash_id ` , ` asset_identifier ` , ` bess_identifier ` , ` rack_identifier ` , ` measured_at ` )
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE= utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT = ' {"version":4} ' ;
CREATE TABLE ` teleport_battery_power_flash ` (
` id ` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
` teleport_hash_id ` varchar ( 32 ) NOT NULL , -- uniquely identifies the teleport device
` asset_identifier ` varchar ( 128 ) NOT NULL , -- globally unique identifier of the asset, when available the brand and serial number of the asset
` frequency ` decimal ( 7 , 2 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in Hz, nonnegative
` active_power ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, positive means discharging, negative charging
` state_of_charge ` decimal ( 7 , 4 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in %, nonnegative
` available_energy ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in Wh, nonnegative
` available_active_power_charge ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, nonnegative
` available_active_power_discharge ` decimal ( 23 , 3 ) DEFAULT NULL , -- in W, nonnegative
` scheduled ` tinyint ( 1 ) NOT NULL , -- false for measurements that are not part of the regular reporting interval, eg. directly after command execution and at Teleport initialisation
` measured_at ` datetime NOT NULL , -- when read-out started
` created_at ` datetime NOT NULL , -- when written to the table
KEY ` teleport ` ( ` teleport_hash_id ` , ` created_at ` ),
UNIQUE KEY ` teleport_asset ` ( ` teleport_hash_id ` , ` asset_identifier ` , ` measured_at ` )
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE= utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT = ' {"version":1} ' ;