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Phoenix Contact

The Teleport can connect to charging stations with a Phoenix Contact CHARX controller using Modbus TCP.


  1. Follow the instructions in the user manual from phoenix-contact to connect to the charge controllers.

  2. Make sure that load balancing is disabled. Select load balancing menu, go to the Charging points section and make sure that the boxes are unticked for all sockets.

  3. Make sure that the charge release is configured to follow OCPP. In the Charging Stations menu, select Socket 1 and then Configuration. Find the Release Charging section and make sure Rlease Mode is set to By OCPP. Repeat this step for all sockets.

  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the all charging stations.

  5. Connect the ethernet cable between the ETH1 port of the Teleport and the router/ switch. Please navigate to our appendix for more instructions on how to integrate with a router.